Unresolvable Taxon:37195 (taxid:37195)

Venom composition image
Figure 1: Composition of contortrix laticinctus venom, studied at proteomic level (Lomonte, et al., 2014). This venom contains the following families: SVMP (venom metalloproteinase), serine protease (peptidase S1), peptides (include tripeptide SVMP inhibitors and bradykinin-potentiating and bradykinin-inhibitory peptides), LAAO (L-amino-acid oxidase (flavin monoamine oxidase) ), disintegrin, snaclec) (also known as C-type lectin-like), NGF (-beta) , PA2 (phospholipase A2).
Clinical Effects, Treatment, Antivenoms See the Clinical Toxinology Resources Website.
Lethal dose LD(50) of A.contortrix is
9.17 mg/kg by intraperitoneal injection and
10.17 mg/kg by intravenous injection (Arce et al., 2003).