This venom contains the following families: 3FTXs (three-finger toxin), PA2 (phospholipase A2), SVMP (venom metalloproteinase), CVF (cobra venom factor), CRISP, 5'-NUC (5'-nucleotidase), PDE (phosphodiesterase), LAAO (flavin monoamine oxidase (L-amino acid oxidase)), NGF, Cystatin, VES (ohanin/vespryn), PLB (phospholipase B), aminopeptidase, AchE (acetylcholine esterase) (Kakati et al., 2022).
Two studies indicate that the proportion of neurotoxins of the three-finger toxin family are present in the venom at a higher percentage (55-70%) compared to cytotoxins (30-45%) (Laustsen et al., 2015 and Liu et al., 2017).
UniProt taxonomy The Reptile database Wikipedia
34 entries grouped by species
34 entries
1CTX; 1LXG; 1LXH; 1YI5; 4AEA; 6ZFM; 7PC0; 7ULG; 9BK5
3FRP; 3HRZ; 3HS0; 3PRX; 3PVM; 8AYH