Araneae (spiders) (taxid:6893)

Description Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom. Anatomically, spiders differ from other arthropods in that the usual body segments are fused into two tagmata, the cephalothorax and abdomen, and joined by a small, cylindrical pedicel. Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except for Antarctica.

Latrodectus hasseltii / Image may be subject to copyright

Diet Most known species are predators, mostly preying on insects and on other spiders, although a few large species also prey on birds and lizards.

Envenomation The venom of only a few species is dangerous to humans.

Venom protein entries in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot

(all links/actions below point to website)

1561 entries grouped by family

9 entries

Arthropod CHH/MIH/GIH/VIH hormone family

TXA1_LATGE Alpha-latrotoxin associated low molecular weight ... Latrodectus geometricus (Brown widow spider)
TXA1_LATHE Alpha-latrotoxin associated low molecular weight ... Latrodectus hesperus (Western black widow ...
TXA1_LATTR Alpha-latrotoxin-associated low molecular weight ... Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Mediterranean ...
TXA2_LATGE Alpha-latrotoxin associated low molecular weight ... Latrodectus geometricus (Brown widow spider)
TXA2_LATHE Alpha-latrotoxin associated low molecular weight ... Latrodectus hesperus (Western black widow ...
TXA2_LATTR Alpha-latrotoxin-associated low molecular weight ... Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Mediterranean ...
TXA2_STEGR Alpha-latrotoxin associated low molecular weight ... Steatoda grossa (False black widow)
TXAC_STEGR Alpha-latrotoxin associated low molecular weight ... Steatoda grossa (False black widow)
TXAD_STEGR Alpha-latrotoxin associated low molecular weight ... Steatoda grossa (False black widow)

3 entries

Arthropod phospholipase D family

BX3_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-beta-LOXN3 (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
X5_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-LOXN5 (EC 4.6.1.-) ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
X6_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-LOXN6 (EC 4.6.1.-) ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)

14 entries

Arthropod phospholipase D family, Class I subfamily

A1H_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-alphaIA1 (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
A311_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIII1i (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A311_LOXS4 Dermonecrotic toxin Ls4SicTox-alphaIII1i (EC ... Loxosceles sp. (strain 4 GJB-2008) (Recluse ...
A312_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIII1ii (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A312_LOXS4 Dermonecrotic toxin Ls4SicTox-alphaIII1ii (EC ... Loxosceles sp. (strain 4 GJB-2008) (Recluse ...
A31_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin (EC 4.6.1.-) (Phospholipase ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A32B_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin (EC 4.6.1.-) (Phospholipase ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A32_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIII2 (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A331_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIII3i (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A332_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIII3ii (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A333_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIII3iii (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A3X1_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIII-1 (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
AX1_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alpha-1 (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
B1R1_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE1i (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)

184 entries

Arthropod phospholipase D family, Class II subfamily

A1H1_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA1i (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1H1_LOXRE Dermonecrotic toxin LrSicTox-alphaIA1i (EC ... Loxosceles reclusa (Brown recluse spider)
A1H1_LOXSP Dermonecrotic toxin LspaSicTox-alphaIA1i (EC ... Loxosceles spadicea (Recluse spider)
A1H2_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA1ii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1H2_LOXSP Dermonecrotic toxin LspaSicTox-alphaIA1ii (EC ... Loxosceles spadicea (Recluse spider)
A1H3_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA1iii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1H3_LOXSP Dermonecrotic toxin LspaSicTox-alphaIA1iii (EC ... Loxosceles spadicea (Recluse spider)
A1H4_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA1iv (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1H_LOXSM Dermonecrotic toxin LsSicTox-alphaIA1 (EC ... Loxosceles similis (Brazilian brown spider) ...
A1I1_LOXSP Dermonecrotic toxin LspaSicTox-alphaIA2i (EC ... Loxosceles spadicea (Recluse spider)
A1I2_LOXSP Dermonecrotic toxin LspaSicTox-alphaIA2ii (EC ... Loxosceles spadicea (Recluse spider)
A1I3_LOXSP Dermonecrotic toxin LspaSicTox-alphaIA2iii (EC ... Loxosceles spadicea (Recluse spider)
A1I4_LOXSP Dermonecrotic toxin LspaSicTox-alphaIA2iv (EC ... Loxosceles spadicea (Recluse spider)
A1IA1_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2ai (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IA2_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2aii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IA3_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2aiii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IA3_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIA2aiii (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1IA4_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2aiv (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IA5_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2av (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IA6_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2avi (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IA7_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2avii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IA8_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2aviii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IB1_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2bi (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IB1_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIA2bi (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1IB2_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2bii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IB2_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIA2bii (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1IB3_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2biii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IB4_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2biv (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IB5_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2bv (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1IB6_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIA2bvi (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A1KA1_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB1ai (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1KA1_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB1ai (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1KA1_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB1ai (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1KA1_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB1ai (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1KA2_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB1aii (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1KA2_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB1aii (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1KA2_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB1aii (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1KA2_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB1aii (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1KA3_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB1aiii (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1KA3_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB1aiii (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1KA3_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB1aiii (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1KA3_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB1aiii (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1KA4_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB1aiv (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1KA4_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB1aiv (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1KA4_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB1aiv (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1KA4_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB1aiv (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1KA5_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB1av (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1KA5_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB1av (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1KA6_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB1avi (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1KA6_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB1avi (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1KB1_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB1bi (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1KB1_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB1bi (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1KB1_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB1bi (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1KB2_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB1b2 (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1KB2_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB1bii (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1KB2_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB1bii (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1KB3_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB1b3 (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1KB_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB1b (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1KB_LOXBO Dermonecrotic toxin LbSicTox-alphaIB1b (EC ... Loxosceles boneti (North American fiddleback ...
A1KC_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB1c (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1KC_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB1c (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1L1_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB2i (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1L2_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB2ii (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1L3_LOXSA Dermonecrotic toxin LsaSicTox-alphaIB2iii (EC ... Loxosceles sabina (Tucson recluse spider)
A1LA_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB2a (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1LB1_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB2bi (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1LB2_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB2bii (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1LC_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIB2c (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1L_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaIB2 (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A1L_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB2 (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1MA1_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB3ai (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1MA2_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB3aii (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1MA3_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB3aiii (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1MA4_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB3aiv (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1MA5_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB3av (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1MA6_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB3avi (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1MB_LOXDE Dermonecrotic toxin LdSicTox-alphaIB3b (EC ... Loxosceles deserta (Desert recluse spider)
A1OA1_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaIC1ai (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A1OA2_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaIC1aii (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A1OA3_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaIC1aiii (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A1OA_LOXRU Dermonecrotic toxin LruSicTox-alphaIC1a (EC ... Loxosceles rufescens (Mediterranean recluse ...
A1OB1_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaIC1bi (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A1OB2_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaIC1bii (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A1OB3_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaIC1biii (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A1OB4_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaIC1biv (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A1OB5_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaIC1bv (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A1OB_LOXRU Dermonecrotic toxin LruSicTox-alphaIC1b (EC ... Loxosceles rufescens (Mediterranean recluse ...
A1OC_LOXRU Dermonecrotic toxin LruSicTox-alphaIC1c (EC ... Loxosceles rufescens (Mediterranean recluse ...
A1OD_LOXRU Dermonecrotic toxin LruSicTox-alphaIC1d (EC ... Loxosceles rufescens (Mediterranean recluse ...
A1O_LOXAM Dermonecrotic toxin LamSicTox-alphaIC1 (EC ... Loxosceles amazonica (Recluse spider)
A1O_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-alphaIC1 (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
A1P_LOXRU Dermonecrotic toxin LruSicTox-alphaIC2 (EC ... Loxosceles rufescens (Mediterranean recluse ...
A1X1_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaI-1 (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A1X1_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-alphaI-1 (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
A1X1_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaI-1 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1X1_LOXRE Dermonecrotic toxin LrSicTox-alphaI-1 (EC ... Loxosceles reclusa (Brown recluse spider)
A1XA_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-alphaI-Loxn-A (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
A21_LOXAP Dermonecrotic toxin LapSicTox-alphaII1 (EC ... Loxosceles apachea (Apache recluse spider)
A21_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaII1 (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A21_LOXSP Dermonecrotic toxin LspaSicTox-alphaII1 (EC ... Loxosceles spadicea (Recluse spider)
A21_LOXVA Dermonecrotic toxin LvSicTox-alphaII1 (EC ... Loxosceles variegata (Recluse spider)
A22_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaII2 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A31_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIII1 (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A411_LOXAM Dermonecrotic toxin LamSicTox-alphaIV1i (EC ... Loxosceles amazonica (Recluse spider)
A411_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIV1i (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A411_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIV1i (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A412_LOXAM Dermonecrotic toxin LamSicTox-alphaIV1ii (EC ... Loxosceles amazonica (Recluse spider)
A412_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIV1ii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A412_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIV1ii (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A413_LOXAM Dermonecrotic toxin LamSicTox-alphaIV1iii (EC ... Loxosceles amazonica (Recluse spider)
A413_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIV1iii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A41_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaIV1 (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
A41_LOXRU Dermonecrotic toxin LruSicTox-alphaIV1 (EC ... Loxosceles rufescens (Mediterranean recluse ...
A421_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIV2i (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A422_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIV2ii (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A423_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIV2iii (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A424_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIV2iv (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A42_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaIV2 (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A43_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-alphaIV3 (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
A611_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaVI1i (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A612_LOXHI Dermonecrotic toxin LhSicTox-alphaVI1ii (EC ... Loxosceles hirsuta (Recluse spider)
A71_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-alphaVII1 (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
B1D1_LOXAR Dermonecrotic toxin LarSicTox-betaID1 (EC ... Loxosceles arizonica (Arizona brown spider)
B1H2_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-betaIA1ii (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
B1KA_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIB1a (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B1KB_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIB1b (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B1LA_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIB2a (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B1LB_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIB2b (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B1M_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIB3 (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B1N_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIB4 (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B1O_LOXCS Dermonecrotic toxin LcsSicTox-betaIC1 (EC ... Loxosceles cf. spinulosa (strain GJB-2008) ...
B1R2_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE1ii (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B1R_LOXAS Dermonecrotic toxin LafSicTox-betaIE1 (EC ... Loxosceles aff. spinulosa (strain GJB-2008) ...
B1S1_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE2i (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B1S2_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE2ii (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B1S3_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE2iii (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B1S_LOXAS Dermonecrotic toxin LafSicTox-betaIE2 (EC ... Loxosceles aff. spinulosa (strain GJB-2008) ...
B1T1_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE3i (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B1T2_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE3ii (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B1U1_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE4i (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B1U2_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIE4ii (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B1V_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIF1 (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B1V_SICPA Dermonecrotic toxin SpaSicTox-betaIF1 (EC ... Sicarius patagonicus (Six-eyed sand spider)
B1V_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIF1 (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B1V_SICTE Dermonecrotic toxin StSicTox-betaIF1 (EC ... Sicarius terrosus (Cave spider)
B2H_SICPA Dermonecrotic toxin SpaSicTox-betaIIA1 (EC ... Sicarius patagonicus (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2H_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIIA1 (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2I1_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIIA2i (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2I2_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIIA2ii (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2I3_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIIA2iii (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2I4_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIIA2iv (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2I5_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIIA2v (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2I_SICPA Dermonecrotic toxin SpaSicTox-betaIIA2 (EC ... Sicarius patagonicus (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2J1_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIIA3i (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2J2_SICPE Dermonecrotic toxin SpeSicTox-betaIIA3ii (EC ... Sicarius peruensis (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2J_SICPA Dermonecrotic toxin SpaSicTox-betaIIA3 (EC ... Sicarius patagonicus (Six-eyed sand spider)
B2KA1_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1ai (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KA2_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1aii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KA3_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1aiii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KA4_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1ai (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB1_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bi (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB2_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB3_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1biii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB4_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1biv (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB5_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bv (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB6_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bvi (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB7_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bvii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB8_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bviii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KB9_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bix (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KBA_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bx (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KBB_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bxi (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KBC_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bxii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KBD_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bxiii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2KBE_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB1bxiv (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2K_SICAL Dermonecrotic toxin SaSicTox-betaIIB1 (EC ... Sicarius albospinosus (Six-eyed crab spider)
B2L1_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB2i (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B2L2_SICCD Dermonecrotic toxin SdSicTox-betaIIB2ii (EC ... Sicarius cf. damarensis (strain GJB-2008) ...
B312_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIII1 (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B31_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIII1 (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
B32_LOXSN Dermonecrotic toxin LspiSicTox-betaIII2 (EC ... Loxosceles spinulosa (Recluse spider)
BX17_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-beta-LOXN1/LOXN7 ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
BX2_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-beta-LOXN2 (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
BX4_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-beta-LOXN4 (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
BX8_LOXGA Dermonecrotic toxin LgSicTox-beta-LOXN8 (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)

11 entries

Arthropod phospholipase D family, Class II subfamily, Class IIa sub-subfamily

A1H2_LOXRE Dermonecrotic toxin LrSicTox-alphaIA1ii (EC ... Loxosceles reclusa (Brown recluse spider)
A1HA_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIA1a (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1HB1_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIA1bi (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1HB2_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIA1bii (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1IA1_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIA2ai (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1IA2_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIA2aii (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A1KA_LOXBO Dermonecrotic toxin LbSicTox-alphaIB1a (EC ... Loxosceles boneti (North American fiddleback ...
A1K_LOXRE Dermonecrotic toxin LrSicTox-alphaIB1 (EC ... Loxosceles reclusa (Brown recluse spider)
A21_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaII1 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A4A1_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaIVA1 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
A51_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-alphaV1 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)

6 entries

Arthropod phospholipase D family, Class II subfamily, Class IIb sub-subfamily

B1H1_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-betaIA1i (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
B1HA_LOXBO Dermonecrotic toxin LbSicTox-betaIA1a (EC ... Loxosceles boneti (North American fiddleback ...
B1H_LOXLA Dermonecrotic toxin LlSicTox-betaIA1 (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
B1O_SICTE Dermonecrotic toxin StSicTox-betaIC1 (EC ... Sicarius terrosus (Cave spider)
B1Q_LOXIN Dermonecrotic toxin LiSicTox-betaID1 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
BIB11_SICTE Dermonecrotic toxin StSicTox-betaIB1i (EC ... Sicarius terrosus (Cave spider)

10 entries

AVIT (prokineticin) family

Select_allDeselect_all "AVIT (prokineticin) family" VenomZone page
H14A1_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U8-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H14B1_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b (U8-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H14C1_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c 1 (U8-TRTX-Hhn1c 1) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H14C2_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c 2 (U8-TRTX-Hhn1c 2) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H14C3_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c 3 (U8-TRTX-Hhn1c 3) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H14D1_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d (U8-TRTX-Hhn1d) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H14F1_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1e (U8-TRTX-Hhn1e) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H14G1_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f (U8-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H14H1_CYRHA U8-theraphotoxin-Hhn1g (U8-TRTX-Hhn1g) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
HN634_CYRHA Hainantoxin F6-34.84 (Peptide F6-34.84) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

1 entry

Bradykinin-potentiating peptide family

"Bradykinin-potentiating peptide family" VenomZone page
BPPS_LYCER Bradykinin-potentiating peptide S (BPP-S) Lycosa erythrognatha (Wolf spider) (Scaptocosa ...

1 entry

Bradykinin-related peptide family

KLPS_LYCER Kinin-like peptide-S Lycosa erythrognatha (Wolf spider) (Scaptocosa ...

1 entry

Cationic peptide 01 (latrotoxin) family, 01 (alpha-latrocrustotoxin) subfamily

LCTA_LATTR Alpha-latrocrustotoxin-Lt1a (Alpha-LCT-Lt1a) ... Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Mediterranean ...

2 entries

Cationic peptide 01 (latrotoxin) family, 02 (alpha-latroinsectotoxin) subfamily

LITA_LATHA Alpha-latroinsectotoxin-Lh1a (Alpha-LIT-Lh1a) ... Latrodectus hasselti (Redback spider)
LITA_LATTR Alpha-latroinsectotoxin-Lt1a (Alpha-LIT-Lt1a) ... Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Mediterranean ...

7 entries

Cationic peptide 01 (latrotoxin) family, 03 (alpha-latrotoxin) subfamily

LATA_LATGE Alpha-latrotoxin-Lg1a (Alpha-LTX-Lg1a) ... Latrodectus geometricus (Brown widow spider)
LATA_LATHA Alpha-latrotoxin-Lh1a (Alpha-LTX-Lh1a) ... Latrodectus hasselti (Redback spider)
LATA_LATHE Alpha-latrotoxin-Lhe1a (Alpha-LTX-Lhe1a) ... Latrodectus hesperus (Western black widow ...
LATA_LATMA Alpha-latrotoxin-Lm1a (Alpha-LTX-Lm1a) ... Latrodectus mactans (Black widow spider) (Aranea ...
LATA_LATPL Alpha-latrotoxin-Lp1a (Alpha-LTX-Lp1a) ... Latrodectus pallidus (White widow spider)
LATA_LATTR Alpha-latrotoxin-Lt1a (Alpha-LTX-Lt1a) ... Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Mediterranean ...
LATA_STEGR Alpha-latrotoxin-Sg1a (Alpha-LTX-Sg1a) ... Steatoda grossa (False black widow)

3 entries

Cationic peptide 01 (latrotoxin) family, 04 (delta-latroinsectotoxin) subfamily

LITD_LATHA Delta-latroinsectotoxin-Lh1a (Delta-LIT-Lh1a) ... Latrodectus hasselti (Redback spider)
LITD_LATHE Delta-latroinsectotoxin-Lhe1a (Delta-LIT-Lhe1a) ... Latrodectus hesperus (Western black widow ...
LITD_LATTR Delta-latroinsectotoxin-Lt1a (Delta-LIT-Lt1a) ... Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Mediterranean ...

5 entries

Cationic peptide 02 (oxyopinin-2) family

TOP1_OXYTA M-oxotoxin-Ot1a (M-OXTX-Ot1a) (Oxki1) ... Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TOP2A_OXYTA M-oxotoxin-Ot2a (M-OXTX-Ot2a) (Oxki2a) ... Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TOP2B_OXYTA M-oxotoxin-Ot2b (M-OXTX-Ot2b) (Oxki2b) ... Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TOP2C_OXYTA M-oxotoxin-Ot2c (M-OXTX-Ot2c) (Oxki2c) ... Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TOP2D_OXYTA M-oxotoxin-Ot2d (M-OXTX-Ot2d) (Oxki2d) ... Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...

1 entry

Cationic peptide 03 (latarcin) family, 01 subfamily

LAT1_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt1a (M-ZDTX-Lt1a) (Latarcin-1) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

2 entries

Cationic peptide 03 (latarcin) family, 02 subfamily

LAT2A_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt2a (M-ZDTX-Lt2a) (Latarcin-2a) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
LAT2B_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt2b (M-ZDTX-Lt2b) (Latarcin-2b) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

2 entries

Cationic peptide 03 (latarcin) family, 03 subfamily

LAT3A_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt3a (M-ZDTX-Lt3a) (La47) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
LAT3B_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt3b (M-ZDTX-Lt3b) (Latarcin-3b) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

2 entries

Cationic peptide 03 (latarcin) family, 04 subfamily

LAT4A_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt4a (M-ZDTX-Lt4a) [Cleaved into: ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
LAT4B_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt4b (M-ZDTX-Lt4b) [Cleaved into: ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

1 entry

Cationic peptide 03 (latarcin) family, 05 subfamily

LAT5_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt5a (M-ZDTX-Lt5a) (Latarcin-5) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

2 entries

Cationic peptide 03 (latarcin) family, 06 subfamily

LAT61_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt6a/b (M-ZDTX-Lt6a/b) (Latarcin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
LAT62_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt6a/c (M-ZDTX-Lt6a/c) (Latarcin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

1 entry

Cationic peptide 03 (latarcin) family, 07 subfamily

LAT7_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt7a (M-ZDTX-Lt7a) (Latarcin-7) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

7 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 01 subfamily

TXC1A_CUPSA Cupiennin-1a (Cu-1a) (M-ctenitoxin-Cs1a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC1B_CUPSA Cupiennin-1b (Cu-1b) (M-ctenitoxin-Cs1b) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC1C_CUPSA Cupiennin-1c (Cu-1c) (M-ctenitoxin-Cs1c) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC1D_CUPSA Cupiennin-1d (Cu-1d) (M-ctenitoxin-Cs1d) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS1A_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-1a (SCP-1a) (Cupiennin ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS1B_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-1b (SCP-1b) (Cupiennin ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS1C_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-1c (SCP-1c) (Cupiennin ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

5 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 02 subfamily

TXC2A_CUPSA Cupiennin-2a (Cu-2a) Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC2B_CUPSA Cupiennin-2b (Cu-2b) Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC2C_CUPSA Cupiennin-2c (Cu-2c) Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC2D_CUPSA Cupiennin-2d (Cu-2d) Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC2E_CUPSA Cupiennin-2e (Cu-2e) Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

8 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 03 subfamily

TXC3A_CUPSA Cupiennin-3a (Cu-3a) (Short cationic peptide-3a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC3B_CUPSA Cupiennin-3b (Cu-3b) (Short cationic peptide-3b) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC3C_CUPSA Cupiennin-3c (Cu-3c) (Short cationic peptide-3c) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC3D_CUPSA Cupiennin-3d (Cu-3d) (Short cationic peptide-3d) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS1D_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-1d (SCP-1d) (Cupiennin ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS1F_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-1f (SCP-1f) (Cupiennin ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS1G_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-1g (SCP-1g) (Cupiennin ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS3A_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-3a (SCP-3a) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

4 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 04 subfamily

TXS4A_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-4a (SCP-4a) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS4B_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-4b (SCP-4b) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS4C_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-4c (SCP-4c) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS4D_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-4d (SCP-4d) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

10 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 05 subfamily

LYC1_LYCSI M-lycotoxin-Ls3a (M-LCTX-Ls3a) (Lycocitin-1) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
LYC2_LYCSI M-lycotoxin-Ls3b (M-LCTX-Ls3b) (Lycocitin-2) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
LYC3_LYCSI M-lycotoxin-Ls2a (M-LCTX-Ls2a) (Lycocitin-3) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
LYC40_LYCSI M-lycotoxin-Ls4a (M-LCTX-Ls4a) (Peptide 2340) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
LYS2_LYCSI Lycosin-II Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
LYT1_HOGCA M-lycotoxin-Hc1a (M-LCTX-Hc1a) (Lycotoxin I) ... Hogna carolinensis (Carolina wolf spider) ...
LYT1_LYCER Toxin LyeTx 1 Lycosa erythrognatha (Wolf spider) (Scaptocosa ...
LYT2_HOGCA M-lycotoxin-Hc2a (M-LCTX-Hc2a) (Lycotoxin II) ... Hogna carolinensis (Carolina wolf spider) ...
TXC5A_CUPSA Cupiennin-5a (Cu-5a) (Short cationic peptide-7a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS5A_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-5a (SCP-5a) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

4 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 06 subfamily

TXC6F_CUPSA Cupiennin-6f (Cu-6f) (Short cationic peptide-6g) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS6B_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-6b (SCP-6b) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS6C_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-6c (SCP-6c) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS6D_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-6d (SCP-6d) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

2 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 07 subfamily

TXC7A_CUPSA Cupiennin-7a (Cu-7a) (Short cationic peptide-5a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC7B_CUPSA Cupiennin-7b (Cu-7b) (Short cationic peptide-5b) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

5 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 08 subfamily

TXC4A_CUPSA Cupiennin-4a (Cu-4a) (Short cationic peptide-4a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC4B_CUPSA Cupiennin-4b (Cu-4b) (Short cationic peptide-4b) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS1E_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-1e (SCP-1e) (Cupiennin ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS4E_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-4e (SCP-4e) (Cupiennin ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS4F_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-4f (SCP-4f) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

6 entries

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 09 subfamily

TXC6A_CUPSA Cupiennin-6a (Cu-6a) (Short cationic peptide-6a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC6B_CUPSA Cupiennin-6b (Cu-6b) (Short cationic peptide-6b) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC6C_CUPSA Cupiennin-6c (Cu-6c) (Short cationic peptide-6c) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC6D_CUPSA Cupiennin-6d (Cu-6d) (Short cationic peptide-6d) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC6E_CUPSA Cupiennin-6e (Cu-6e) (Short cationic peptide-6e) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXS6A_CUPSA Short cationic peptide-6a (SCP-6a) (Short ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

1 entry

Cationic peptide 04 (cupiennin) family, 10 (double chain) subfamily

TXC16_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-16 [Cleaved into: CSTX-16 A chain; ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

20 entries

Cationic peptide 06 (cytoinsectotoxin) family

CT110_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8k (M-ZDTX-Lt8k) (Cytoinsectotoxin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CT111_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8h (M-ZDTX-Lt8h) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CT112_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8l (M-ZDTX-Lt8l) (Cytoinsectotoxin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CT113_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8m (M-ZDTX-Lt8m) (Cytoinsectotoxin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CT114_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8o (M-ZDTX-Lt8o) (Cytoinsectotoxin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CT115_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8p (M-ZDTX-Lt8p) (Cytoinsectotoxin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CT116_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8q (M-ZDTX-Lt8q) (Cytoinsectotoxin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX11_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8a (M-ZDTX-Lt8a) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX12_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8b (M-ZDTX-Lt8b) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX13_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8c (M-ZDTX-Lt8c) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX14_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8d (M-ZDTX-Lt8d) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX15_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8e (M-ZDTX-Lt8e) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX16_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8i (M-ZDTX-Lt8i) (Cytoinsectotoxin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX17_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8f (M-ZDTX-Lt8f) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX18_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8g (M-ZDTX-Lt8g) ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX19_LACTA M-zodatoxin-Lt8j (M-ZDTX-Lt8j) (Cytoinsectotoxin ... Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX21_LACTA Cytoinsectotoxin-2a (CIT-2a) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX23_LACTA Cytoinsectotoxin-2c (CIT-2c) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX3_LACTA Cytoinsectotoxin-3 (CIT-3) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
CTX4_LACTA Cytoinsectotoxin-4 (CIT-4) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

2 entries

CRISP family

Select_allDeselect_all "CRISP family" VenomZone page
CRVP_TRILK CRISP/Allergen/PR-1 (Cap-1) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
VA_PHOKE CRISP-1 (Cysteine-rich venom protein) (CRVP) ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...

1 entry

CRISP family, Venom allergen 5-like subfamily

"CRISP family" VenomZone page
VA5_LYCSI Venom allergen 5 (Antigen 5) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

2 entries

Cystatin family

Select_allDeselect_all "Cystatin family" VenomZone page
CYT_CHIGU Cystatin-1 (Cystatin JZTX-75) Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
T71A_HADIN U7-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U7-HXTX-Hi1a) (Cystatin-like ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...

2 entries

Glycosyl hydrolase 56 family

Select_allDeselect_all "Glycosyl hydrolase 56 family" VenomZone page
HYAL_LOXIN Hyaluronidase (EC (Chondroitinase) ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
HYAL_PHOKE Hyaluronidase-Pk1a (Hya) (EC ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...

4 entries

Hainantoxin family, 17 subfamily

H17A1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVII (HNTX-XVII) (Peptide F2-20.97) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H17A2_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVII.2 (HNTX-XVII.2) (Peptide ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H17A3_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVII.3 (HNTX-XVII.3) (Peptide ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H17B1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVII-2 (HNTX-XVII-2) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

3 entries

Hainantoxin family, 20 subfamily

H20A1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XX (HNTX-XX) (Peptide F8-26.11) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H20A2_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XX.2 (HNTX-XX.2) (Peptide F8-26.11) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H20A3_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XX.3 (HNTX-XX.3) (Peptide F8-26.11) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

3 entries

Helical arthropod-neuropeptide-derived (HAND) family

TXI1_ERAAG U1-agatoxin-Ta1a (U1-AGTX-Ta1a) (Insecticidal ... Eratigena agrestis (Hobo spider) (Tegenaria ...
TXI2_ERAAG U1-agatoxin-Ta1b (U1-AGTX-Ta1b) (Insecticidal ... Eratigena agrestis (Hobo spider) (Tegenaria ...
TXI3_ERAAG U1-agatoxin-Ta1c (U1-AGTX-Ta1c) (Insecticidal ... Eratigena agrestis (Hobo spider) (Tegenaria ...

2 entries

Met-lysine family

ML1A_LACTA Met-lysine-1a (MLys-1a) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
ML1B_LACTA Met-lysine-1b (MLys-1b) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

7 entries

MIT-like AcTx family

T11A_HADIN U1-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U1-HXTX-Hi1a) ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
T7358_ILLWI U1-hexatoxin-Iw1a (U1-HXTX-Iw1a) ... Illawarra wisharti (Illawarra funnel-web spider)
T7390_ILLWI U1-hexatoxin-Iw1b (U1-HXTX-Iw1b) ... Illawarra wisharti (Illawarra funnel-web spider)
T7406_ILLWI U1-hexatoxin-Iw1c (U1-HXTX-Iw1c) ... Illawarra wisharti (Illawarra funnel-web spider)
T7418_ILLWI U1-hexatoxin-Iw1d (U1-HXTX-Iw1d) ... Illawarra wisharti (Illawarra funnel-web spider)
T7496_ILLWI U1-hexatoxin-Iw1e (U1-HXTX-Iw1e) ... Illawarra wisharti (Illawarra funnel-web spider)
TTF17_HADVE U1-hexatoxin-Hv1a (U1-HXTX-Hv1a) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...

28 entries

Neurotoxin 01 (U2-agtx) family

TA2GE_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1e (U2-AGTX-Ao1e) (Agel_04) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TA2GS_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1s (U2-AGTX-Ao1s) (Agel_18) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TA2GV_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1v (U2-AGTX-Ao1v) (Agel_21) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2B_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1b (U2-AGTX-Ao1b) (Agel_01) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2C_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1c (U2-AGTX-Ao1c) (Toxin-like ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2D_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1d (U2-AGTX-Ao1d) (Agel_03) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2F_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1f (U2-AGTX-Ao1f) (Agel_05) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2G_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1g (U2-AGTX-Ao1g) (Toxin-like ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2I_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1i (U2-AGTX-Ao1i) (Agel_08) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2J_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1j (U2-AGTX-Ao1j) (Agel_09) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2K_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1k (U2-AGTX-Ao1k) (Toxin-like ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2L_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1l (U2-AGTX-Ao1l) (Agel_11) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2M_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1m (U2-AGTX-Ao1m) (Toxin-like ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2N_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1n (U2-AGTX-Ao1n) (Toxin-like ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2O_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1o (U2-AGTX-Ao1o) (Toxin-like ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2P_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1p (U2-AGTX-Ao1p) (Agel_15) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2Q_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1q (U2-AGTX-Ao1q) (Agel_16) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2R_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1r (U2-AGTX-Ao1r) (Agel_17) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2T_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1t (U2-AGTX-Ao1t) (Agel_19) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2U_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1u (U2-AGTX-Ao1u) (Agel_20) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2W_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1w (U2-AGTX-Ao1w) (Agel_22) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2X_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1x (U2-AGTX-Ao1x) (Agel_23) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2Y_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1y (U2-AGTX-Ao1y) (Agel_24) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TAG2Z_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1z (U2-AGTX-Ao1z) (Agel_25) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TXAG5_AGEOR U5-agatoxin-Ao1a (U5-AGTX-Ao1a) (AgorTX_A3) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TXAGA_AGEOR U2-agatoxin-Ao1a (U2-AGTX-Ao1a) (Agelenin) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TXAG_ALLOP U2-agatoxin-Aop1a (U2-AGTX-Aop1a) (Agelenin) Allagelena opulenta (Funnel weaving spider) ...
TXHM1_HERML Mu-thomitoxin-Hme1a (Mu-TMTX-Hme1a) (Neurotoxin ... Heriaeus mellotteei (Crab spider) (Heriaeus ...

13 entries

Neurotoxin 02 (plectoxin) family

TX20A_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa5a (Omega-AGTX-Aa5a) (Peptide ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TX20A_AGEOR U8-agatoxin-Ao1a (U8-AGTX-Ao1a) (AgorTX_B6) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TX20A_CTEON U10-ctenitoxin-Co1b (U10-CNTX-Co1b) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX20A_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-17 Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TX20A_LYCSI U17-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U17-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX20A_PHOBO Omega-ctenitoxin-Pb1a (Omega-CNTX-Pb1a) ... Phoneutria boliviensis (Brazilian wandering ...
TX20A_PHONI Kappa-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (Kappa-CNTX-Pn1a) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX20A_PHORI Omega-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (Omega-CNTX-Pr1a) ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX20B_CTEON U10-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U10-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX20B_LYCSI U18-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U18-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX20B_PHONI Omega-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (Omega-CNTX-Pn1a) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX20B_PHORI U10-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (U10-CNTX-Pr1a) (Non-toxic ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX20C_PHONI U7-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U7-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

7 entries

Neurotoxin 02 (plectoxin) family, 01 (Tx3) subfamily

TX21A_CTEON U3-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U3-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX21A_PHOKE U1-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U1-CNTX-Pk1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TX21A_PHONI Omega-ctenitoxin-Pn2a (Omega-CNTX-Pn2a) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX21A_PHORI U2-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (U2-CNTX-Pr1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX21A_PLETR Delta/omega-plectoxin-Pt1a ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TX21B_PHONI U6-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U6-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX21C_PHONI U9-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U9-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

9 entries

Neurotoxin 02 (plectoxin) family, 02 (plectoxin) subfamily

TBO2_TIBOB Toxin Tbo-IT2 Tibellus oblongus (Oblong running crab spider)
TX22A_MACGS Mu-hexatoxin-Mg2a (Mu-HXTX-Mg2a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TX22A_PLETR Omega-plectoxin-Pt1a (Omega-PLTX-Pt1a) (PLTX-II) ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TX22B_PLETR U1-plectoxin-Pt1b (U1-PLTX-Pt1b) (Plectoxin ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TX22C_PLETR U1-plectoxin-Pt1c (U1-PLTX-Pt1c) (Plectoxin XI) ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TX22D_PLETR U1-plectoxin-Pt1d (U1-PLTX-Pt1d) (Plectoxin XII) ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TX22E_PLETR U1-plectoxin-Pt1e (U1-PLTX-Pt1e) (Plectoxin ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TX22F_PLETR U1-plectoxin-Pt1f (U1-PLTX-Pt1f) (Plectoxin XIV) ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TX22G_PLETR U1-plectoxin-Pt1a (U1-PLTX-Pt1a) (PLT-V/PLT-VI) ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 02 (plectoxin) family, 03 (omega-agtx) subfamily

TX23A_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa4a (Omega-AGTX-Aa4a) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TX23B_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa4b (Omega-AGTX-Aa4b) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 02 (plectoxin) family, 04 (U16-lycotoxin) subfamily

TX24A_LYCSI U16-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U16-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX24A_MACGS U11-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U11-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TX24B_LYCSI U16-lycotoxin-Ls1b (U16-LCTX-Ls1b) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 02 (plectoxin) family, 05 (U19-lycotoxin) subfamily

TXJ05_LYCSI U19-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U19-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXJ06_LYCSI U19-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U19-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXJ07_LYCSI U19-lycotoxin-Ls1b (U19-LCTX-Ls1b) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 02 (plectoxin) family, 07 subfamily

TX27A_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-18 Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TX27B_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-19 Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

3 entries

Neurotoxin 02 (plectoxin) family, 09 subfamily

TX29A_CTEON U6-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U6-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX29A_PHOKE U9-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U9-CNTX-Pk1a) (Venom protein ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TX29A_PHONI U10-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U10-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 03 (Tx2) family, 01 subfamily

TX31A_SELPU Orally active insecticidal peptide (Toxin OAIP ... Selenotypus plumipes (Australian featherleg ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 03 (Tx2) family, 02 subfamily

TX32B_CHIGU U30-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U30-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TX32C_CHIGU U31-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U31-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TX32D_CHIGU U32-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U32-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TX32E_CHIGU U32-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U32-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TX32F_CHIGU U31-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U31-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

7 entries

Neurotoxin 03 (Tx2) family, 02 subfamily, HNTX-XV sub-subfamily

TX32A_CHIGU U30-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U30-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TX32A_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XV (HNTX-XV) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TX32B_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XV.2 (HNTX-XV.2) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TX32C_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XV-2 (HNTX-XV-2) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TX32D_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XV-3 (HNTX-XV-3) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TX32E_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XV-5 (HNTX-XV-5) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TX32F_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XV-4 (HNTX-XV-4) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 03 (Tx2) family, 03 subfamily

T91A_HADIN U9-hexatoxin-Hi1 (U9-HXTX-Hi1) (SF14 peptide) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TX33A_MACGS U13-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U13-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TX33A_TRILK U15-barytoxin-Tl1a (U15-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
TX33B_TRILK U15-barytoxin-Tl1b (U15-BATX-Tl1b) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
TX33C_TRILK U15-barytoxin-Tl1c (U15-BATX-Tl1c) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

3 entries

Neurotoxin 03 (Tx2) family, 04 subfamily

TX34A_PHOKE U7-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U7-CNTX-Pk1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TX34A_PHONI U2-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U2-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX34B_PHONI U2-ctenitoxin-Pn1b (U2-CNTX-Pn1b) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

12 entries

Neurotoxin 03 (Tx2) family, 05 subfamily

TX35A_CTEON U13-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U13-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX35A_PHOBO GAMMA-ctenitoxin-Pb1a (GAMMA-CNTX-Pb1a) ... Phoneutria boliviensis (Brazilian wandering ...
TX35A_PHOKE U2-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U2-CNTX-Pk1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TX35A_PHONI U1-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U1-CNTX-Pn1a) (Toxin Pn4B) Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX35A_PHORI Beta/delta-ctenitoxin-Pr1a ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX35B_CTEON U9-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U9-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX35B_PHONI Delta-ctenitoxin-Pn1b (Delta-CNTX-Pn1b) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX35C_CTEON U15-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U15-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX35C_PHONI GAMMA-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (GAMMA-CNTX-Pn1a) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX35D_CTEON U1-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U1-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX35D_PHONI Delta-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (Delta-CNTX-Pn1a) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX35E_CTEON U12-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U12-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...

9 entries

Neurotoxin 03 (Tx2) family, 06 subfamily

TX36A_ANCSP Delta-ctenitoxin-Asp2e (Delta-CNTX-Asp2e) ... Ancylometes sp. (South American fishing spider)
TX36A_CTEON U11-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U11-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX36A_PHOKE U4-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U4-CNTX-Pk1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TX36A_PHONI Delta-ctenitoxin-Pn2a (Delta-CNTX-Pn2a) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX36A_PHORI Delta-ctenitoxin-Pr2d (Delta-CNTX-Pr2d) ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX36B_CTEON U5-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U5-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX36B_PHONI Delta-ctenitoxin-Pn2c (Delta-CNTX-Pn2c) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX36C_CTEON U8-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U8-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX36D_CTEON U11-ctenitoxin-Co1b (U11-CNTX-Co1b) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...

8 entries

Neurotoxin 04 (omega-agtx) family, 01 (type I omega-agtx) subfamily

TOG1A_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-1A (Omega-agatoxin IA) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TOG1B_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa1b (Omega-AGTX-Aa1b) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TX1_OCUSU Kappa-lycotoxin-Os1a (Kappa-LCTX-Os1a) (Toxin ... Oculicosa supermirabilis (Central Asian ...
TX2M1_LYCSI U2-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U2-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin LSTX-M1) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX2M2_LYCSI U2-lycotoxin-Ls1b (U2-LCTX-Ls1b) (Toxin LSTX-M2) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX2M3_LYCSI U2-lycotoxin-Ls1c (U2-LCTX-Ls1c) (Toxin LSTX-M3) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX2M4_LYCSI U2-lycotoxin-Ls1d (U2-LCTX-Ls1d) (Toxin LSTX-M4) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX2M5_LYCSI U2-lycotoxin-Ls1e (U2-LCTX-Ls1e) (Toxin LSTX-M5) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 04 (omega-agtx) family, 02 (Tx1) subfamily

TX1A_PHOKE U5-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U5-CNTX-Pk1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TX1B_PHOKE U5-ctenitoxin-Pk1b (U5-CNTX-Pk1b) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TXL1_PHONI Mu-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (Mu-CNTX-Pn1a) (Toxin Tx1) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TXL1_PHOPT Toxin Tx1 (PpTx1) Phoneutria pertyi (Brazilian wandering spider)

18 entries

Neurotoxin 04 (omega-agtx) family, 03 (type II/III omega-agtx) subfamily

32C7_ANCSP U1-ctenitoxin-Asp1a (U1-CNTX-Asp1a) (Neurotoxin ... Ancylometes sp. (South American fishing spider)
F1712_CTEON U14-ctenitoxin-Co1b (U14-CNTX-Co1b) (Venom ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
F186_CTEON U14-ctenitoxin-Co1c (U14-CNTX-Co1c) (Venom ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
F3012_CTEON U4-ctenitoxin-Co1c (U4-CNTX-Co1c) (Venom protein ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TOG2A_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa2a (Omega-AGTX-Aa2a) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TOG3A_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa3a (Omega-AGTX-Aa3a) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TOG3B_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa3b (Omega-AGTX-Aa3b) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TOG3C_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa3c (Omega-AGTX-Aa3c) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TOG3D_AGEAP Omega-agatoxin-Aa3d (Omega-AGTX-Aa3d) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
TOPC5_PHONI U20-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U20-CNTX-Pn1a) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX18_PHORI U1-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (U1-CNTX-Pr1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX34_PHONI Omega-ctenitoxin-Pn3a (Omega-CNTX-Pn3a) ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TXAG1_AGEOR U10-agatoxin-Ao1a (U10-AGTX-Ao1a) (AgorTX_B7b) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TXF22_CTEON U2-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U2-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TXF27_CTEON U17-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U17-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TXF28_CTEON U4-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U4-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TXF91_CTEON U4-ctenitoxin-Co1b (U4-CNTX-Co1b) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TXM20_CTEON U14-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U14-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...

10 entries

Neurotoxin 05 (agouti) family

TXD01_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD02_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD03_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD04_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD05_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD06_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD07_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD08_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD09_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXD10_LYCSI U13-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

8 entries

Neurotoxin 06 (delta-actx) family

D1A_HADVE Delta-hexatoxin-Hv1a (Delta-HXTX-Hv1a) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
D1A_ILLWI Delta-hexatoxin-Iw1a (Delta-HXTX-Iw1a) ... Illawarra wisharti (Illawarra funnel-web spider)
D1B_HADVE Delta-hexatoxin-Hv1b (Delta-HXTX-Hv1b) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TDE1A_HADIN Delta-hexatoxin-Hi1a (Delta-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF13 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TDM1A_MISBR Delta-actinopoditoxin-Mb1a (Delta-AOTX-Mb1a) ... Missulena bradleyi (Eastern mouse spider)
TXDT1_ATRRO Delta-hexatoxin-Ar1a (Delta-HXTX-Ar1a) ... Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TXM14_MACGS Delta-hexatoxin-Mg1b (Delta-HXTX-Mg1b) ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXMG4_MACGS Delta-hexatoxin-Mg1a (Delta-HXTX-Mg1a) ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)

3 entries

Neurotoxin 07 (Beta/delta-agtx) family

T21A_HADIN U2-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U2-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF3 peptide) ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TXDP3_PIRLC Delta-amaurobitoxin-Pl1c (Delta-AMATX-Pl1c) ... Pireneitega luctuosa (Tangled nest spider) ...
TXHM3_HERML Mu-thomitoxin-Hme1c (Mu-TMTX-Hme1c) (Neurotoxin ... Heriaeus mellotteei (Crab spider) (Heriaeus ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 07 (Beta/delta-agtx) family, 01 (aga-2) subfamily

T2DP4_PIRLC Delta-amaurobitoxin-Pl1d (Delta-AMATX-Pl1d) ... Pireneitega luctuosa (Tangled nest spider) ...
T2G3A_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1a (U3-AGTX-Ao1a) ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T2MG2_AGEAP Mu-agatoxin-Aa1b (Mu-AGTX-Aa1b) (Mu-agatoxin II) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...

8 entries

Neurotoxin 07 (Beta/delta-agtx) family, 02 (aga-3) subfamily

T3C2_HOLCU Mu-agatoxin-Hc1b (Mu-AGTX-Hc1b) (Curtatoxin-2) ... Hololena curta (Funnel-web spider) (Agelena ...
T3C3_HOLCU Mu-agatoxin-Hc1c (Mu-AGTX-Hc1c) (Curtatoxin-3) ... Hololena curta (Funnel-web spider) (Agelena ...
T3D1A_PIRLC Delta-amaurobitoxin-Pl1a (Delta-AMATX-Pl1a) ... Pireneitega luctuosa (Tangled nest spider) ...
T3D1B_PIRLC Delta-amaurobitoxin-Pl1b (Delta-AMATX-Pl1b) ... Pireneitega luctuosa (Tangled nest spider) ...
T3G1B_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1b (U3-AGTX-Ao1b) (Mu-2Aga_03) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T3G1C_AGEAP Mu-agatoxin-Aa1c (Mu-AGTX-Aa1c) (Mu-agatoxin ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
T3G1D_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1d (U3-AGTX-Ao1d) (Mu-2Aga_05) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TI1A_HADIN U18-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U18-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF23 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...

11 entries

Neurotoxin 07 (Beta/delta-agtx) family, 03 (aga-4) subfamily, Aga sub-subfamily

T4G1C_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1c (U3-AGTX-Ao1c) ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T4G1D_AGEAP Mu-agatoxin-Aa1d (Mu-AGTX-Aa1d) (Mu-agatoxin IV) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
T4G1E_AGEAP Mu-agatoxin-Aa1e (Mu-AGTX-Aa1e) (Mu-agatoxin V) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
T4G1E_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1e (U3-AGTX-Ao1e) (Mu-2Aga_06) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T4G1F_AGEAP Mu-agatoxin-Aa1f (Mu-AGTX-Aa1f) (Mu-agatoxin VI) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
T4G1F_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1f (U3-AGTX-Ao1f) ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T4G1G_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1g (U3-AGTX-Ao1g) ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T4G1H_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1h (U3-AGTX-Ao1h) (Mu-2Aaga_09) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T4G1I_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1i (U3-AGTX-Ao1i) (Mu-2Aaga_10) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T4G1J_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1j (U3-AGTX-Ao1j) (Mu-2Aaga_11) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T4G1K_AGEOR U3-agatoxin-Ao1k (U3-AGTX-Ao1k) ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)

3 entries

Neurotoxin 07 (Beta/delta-agtx) family, 03 (aga-4) subfamily, JZTX sub-subfamily

JZ54A_CHIGU U25-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U25-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ54B_CHIGU U25-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U25-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT55_CHIGU U25-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U25-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 07 (Beta/delta-agtx) family, 04 (aga-5) subfamily

T5G1A_AGEAP Mu-agatoxin-Aa1a (Mu-AGTX-Aa1a) (Mu-agatoxin I) ... Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
T5G1A_AGEOR Mu-agatoxin-Ao1a (Mu-AGTX-Ao1a) ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
T5G1B_AGEOR Mu-agatoxin-Ao1b (Mu-AGTX-Ao1b) ... Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TXC1_HOLCU Mu-agatoxin-Hc1a (Mu-AGTX-Hc1a) (Curtatoxin-1) ... Hololena curta (Funnel-web spider) (Agelena ...

26 entries

Neurotoxin 08 (Shiva) family, 01 (omega toxin) subfamily

TO1A_ATRRO Omega-hexatoxin-Ar1a (Omega-HXTX-Ar1a) ... Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TO1A_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi1a (Omega-HXTX-Hi1a) ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TO1A_HADMO Omega-hexatoxin-Hmo1a (Omega-HXTX-Hmo1a) Hadronyche modesta (Victorian funnel-web spider)
TO1A_HADVE Omega-hexatoxin-Hv1a (Omega-HXTX-Hv1a) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TO1A_HADVN Omega-hexatoxin-Hvn1a (Omega-HXTX-Hvn1a) Hadronyche venenata (Tasmanian funnel-web ...
TO1B_ATRRO Omega-hexatoxin-Ar1b (Omega-HXTX-Ar1b) ... Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TO1B_HADFO Omega-hexatoxin-Hf1a (Omega-HXTX-Hf1a) ... Hadronyche formidabilis (Northern tree ...
TO1B_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi1b (Omega-HXTX-Hi1b) ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TO1B_HADMO Omega-hexatoxin-Hmo1b (Omega-HXTX-Hmo1b) Hadronyche modesta (Victorian funnel-web spider)
TO1B_HADVE Omega-hexatoxin-Hv1b (Omega-HXTX-Hv1b) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TO1B_HADVN Omega-hexatoxin-Hvn1b (Omega-HXTX-Hvn1b) Hadronyche venenata (Tasmanian funnel-web ...
TO1C_ATRRO Omega-hexatoxin-Ar1c (Omega-HXTX-Ar1c) ... Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TO1C_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi1c (Omega-HXTX-Hi1c) ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TO1C_HADMO Omega-hexatoxin-Hmo1c (Omega-HXTX-Hmo1c) Hadronyche modesta (Victorian funnel-web spider)
TO1C_HADVE Omega-hexatoxin-Hv1c (Omega-HXTX-Hv1c) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TO1D_ATRRO Omega-hexatoxin-Ar1d (Omega-HXTX-Ar1d) ... Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TO1D_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi1d (Omega-HXTX-Hi1d) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TO1D_HADMO Omega-hexatoxin-Hmo1d (Omega-HXTX-Hmo1d) Hadronyche modesta (Victorian funnel-web spider)
TO1D_HADVE Omega-hexatoxin-Hv1d (Omega-HXTX-Hv1d) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TO1E_ATRRO Omega-hexatoxin-Ar1e (Omega-HXTX-Ar1e) ... Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TO1E_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi1e (Omega-HXTX-Hi1e) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TO1E_HADVE Omega-hexatoxin-Hv1e (Omega-HXTX-Hv1e) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TO1F_ATRRO Omega-hexatoxin-Ar1f (Omega-HXTX-Ar1f) ... Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TO1F_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi1f (Omega-HXTX-Hi1f) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TO1F_HADVE Omega-hexatoxin-Hv1f (Omega-HXTX-Hv1f) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TO1G_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi1g (Omega-HXTX-Hi1g) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 08 (Shiva) family, 02 (omega/kappa toxin) subfamily

TOK1G_ATRRO Omega/kappa-hexatoxin-Ar1g Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TOK1G_HADVE Omega/kappa-hexatoxin-Hv1g Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TOK1H_HADVE Omega/Kappa-hexatoxin-Hv1h ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TOM1A_MISBR Omega-actinopoditoxin-Mb1a (Omega-AOTX-Mb1a) ... Missulena bradleyi (Eastern mouse spider)

9 entries

Neurotoxin 09 (Tx3-6) family

TX90A_CTEON U7-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U7-CNTX-Co1a) (Neurotoxin Oc ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TX90A_PHOKE U8-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U8-CNTX-Pk1a) (Probable ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TX90A_PHORI Omega-ctenitoxin-Pr2a (Omega-CNTX-Pr2a) ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX90B_PHONI Omega-ctenitoxin-Pn4a (Omega-CNTX-Pn4a) (CTK ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX90B_PHORI U7-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (U7-CNTX-Pr1a) (PRTx19) ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX90C_PHONI U11-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U11-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX90C_PHORI U8-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (U8-CNTX-Pr1a) (Probable ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX90D_PHONI U12-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U12-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX90E_PHONI U11-ctenitoxin-Pn1b (U11-CNTX-Pn1b) (Venom ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

17 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family

NTA_AVIAU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Aa1a (Kappa-TRTX-Aa1a) Avicularia aurantiaca (Yellow-banded pinktoe ...
NTA_AVIPU Mu/kappa-theraphotoxin-Ap1a (Mu/kappa-TRTX-Ap1a) Avicularia purpurea (Ecuadorian purple pinktoe ...
NTA_AVISX Omega-theraphotoxin-Avsp1a (Omega-TRTX-Avsp1a) Avicularia sp. (Arboreal tarantula)
NTA_CHIGU Jingzhaotoxin F7-15.33 (Peptide F7-15.33) Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
NTA_CORVA U1-theraphotoxin-Cv1a (U1-TRTX-Cv1a) ... Coremiocnemis valida (Singapore tarantula) (Blue ...
NTA_MACGS U9-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U9-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
NTA_ORPS2 Mu-theraphotoxin-Osp1a (Mu-TRTX-Osp1a) Orphnaecus sp. (strain Sibaliw/Philippines) ...
NTA_PSACA U1-theraphotoxin-Pc1a (U1-TRTX-Pc1a) ... Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad chevron ...
NTA_PSARE Beta/delta-theraphotoxin-Pre1a ... Psalmopoeus reduncus (Costa Rican orangemouth ...
NTA_SELEF Mu-theraphotoxin-Se1a (Mu-TRTX-Se1a) Selenocosmia effera (Tarantula spider)
TX1A_PELMU Delta/kappa-theraphotoxin-Pm1a ... Pelinobius muticus (King baboon spider) ...
TX1_HETPN Mu-Sparatoxin-Hp1 (HptTx-208) Heteropoda pingtungensis (Pingtung huntsman ...
TX1_POEVT Beta/delta/mu-theraphotoxin-Pv1 ... Poecilotheria vittata (Ghost ornamental ...
TX2_HETPN Mu-Sparatoxin-Hp2 (HptTx-133) Heteropoda pingtungensis (Pingtung huntsman ...
TXHV2_HETVE Mu-sparatoxin-Hv2 (Mu-SPRTX-Hv2) ... Heteropoda venatoria (Brown huntsman spider) ...
TXM1A_PTEMU Mu/omega-theraphotoxin-Pmu1a ... Pterinochilus murinus (Mombasa golden starburst ...
TXP1_PHLXX Mu-theraphotoxin-Pspp1 (Mu-TRTX-Pspp1) ... Phlogiellus sp. (Tarantula)

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 01 (AU5A) subfamily

TX5A_HETVE Omega-sparatoxin-Hv1a (Omega-SPRTX-Hv1a) (Toxin ... Heteropoda venatoria (Brown huntsman spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 02 (AU5B) subfamily

TX5B_HETVE Omega-sparatoxin-Hv1b (Omega-SPRTX-Hv1b) (Toxin ... Heteropoda venatoria (Brown huntsman spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 03 (BsTX5) subfamily

TXP5_BRASM U2-theraphotoxin-Bs1a (U2-TRTX-Bs1a) (BsTX5) ... Brachypelma smithi (Mexican red knee tarantula) ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 04 (CcoTx1) subfamily

TX1_CERDA Beta-theraphotoxin-Cd1a (Beta-TRTX-Cd1a) Ceratogyrus darlingi (Rear horned baboon ...
TX1_CERMR Beta-theraphotoxin-Cm1a (Beta-TRTX-Cm1a) ... Ceratogyrus marshalli (Straighthorned baboon ...
TX2_CERMR Beta-theraphotoxin-Cm1b (Beta-TRTX-Cm1b) ... Ceratogyrus marshalli (Straighthorned baboon ...

6 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 05 (F4a) subfamily

JZ38A_CHIGU U21-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (U21-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ38B_CHIGU U21-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (U21-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ38C_CHIGU U21-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 3 (U21-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ38D_CHIGU U21-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 4 (U21-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT39_CHIGU U21-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U21-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT40_CHIGU U21-theraphotoxin-Cg1c (U21-TRTX-Cg1c) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 06 (F4b) subfamily

JZ41A_CHIGU U2-theraphotoxin-Cg1b 1 (U2-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ41B_CHIGU U2-theraphotoxin-Cg1b 2 (U2-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT42_CHIGU U2-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U2-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 07 (GrTx) subfamily

WGRTX_GRARO Omega-theraphotoxin-Gr1a (Omega-TRTX-Gr1a) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 08 (Gtx1-15) subfamily

TX15_GRAPO Toxin GTx1-15 (Beta/omega-theraphotoxin-Gr2a) ... Grammostola porteri (Tarantula spider) ...
TX15_GRARO Toxin GTx1-15 (Beta/omega-theraphotoxin-Gr2a) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...
TX15_PARSR Toxin GTx1-15 (Beta/omega-theraphotoxin-Gr2a) ... Paraphysa scrofa (Chilean copper tarantula) ...
TX3_PARSR Beta-theraphotoxin-Ps1a (Beta-TRTX-Ps1a) ... Paraphysa scrofa (Chilean copper tarantula) ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 09 (HaTx) subfamily

TX1A_HETMC Delta-theraphotoxin-Hm1a (Delta-TRTX-Hm1a) ... Heteroscodra maculata (Togo starburst tarantula) ...
TX1B_HETMC Delta-theraphotoxin-Hm1b (Delta-TRTX-Hm1b) Heteroscodra maculata (Togo starburst tarantula) ...
TX1_STRGF Kappa-theraphotoxin-Scg1a (Kappa-TRTX-Scg1a) ... Stromatopelma calceatum griseipes (Feather leg ...
TXHN1_GRARO Kappa-theraphotoxin-Gr1a (Kappa-TRTX-Gr1a) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...
TXHN2_GRARO Kappa-theraphotoxin-Gr1b (Kappa-TRTX-Gr1b) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 10 (haplotoxin-1) subfamily

HTX1_CYRLI Beta-theraphotoxin-Hlv1a (Beta-TRTX-Hlv1a) ... Cyriopagopus lividus (Cobalt blue tarantula) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 11 (haplotoxin-2) subfamily

HTX2_CYRLI Beta/kappa-theraphotoxin-Hlv1a ... Cyriopagopus lividus (Cobalt blue tarantula) ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 12 (Hntx-12) subfamily

H12A1_CYRHA U6-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 1 (U6-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H12A2_CYRHA U6-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 2 (U6-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H12A3_CYRHA U6-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 3 (U6-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H12A4_CYRHA U6-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 4 (U6-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

20 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 13 (Hntx-13) subfamily

H13A1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 1 (U7-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13A2_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 2 (U7-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13A3_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 3 (U7-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13A4_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 4 (U7-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13A5_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 5 (U7-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13A6_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 6 (U7-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13A7_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 7 (U7-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13A8_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 8 (U7-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13B1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b (U7-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13C1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c (U7-TRTX-Hhn1c) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13E1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d (U7-TRTX-Hhn1d) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13F1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1e (U7-TRTX-Hhn1e) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13H1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f (U7-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13I1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1g (U7-TRTX-Hhn1g) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13J1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1h (U7-TRTX-Hhn1h) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13K1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1i (U7-TRTX-Hhn1i) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13L1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1j (U7-TRTX-Hhn1j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13M1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1k (U7-TRTX-Hhn1k) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H13N1_CYRHA U7-theraphotoxin-Hhn1l (U7-TRTX-Hhn1l) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TX2_HETMC Kappa-theraphotoxin-Hm2a (Kappa-TRTX-Hm2a) ... Heteroscodra maculata (Togo starburst tarantula) ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 14 (Hntx-1) subfamily

CCY1A_CHRCN Mu-theraphotoxin-CCy1a (Mu-TRTX-CCy1a) Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Greenbottle blue ...
H1A01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2b 1 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1A02_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2b 2 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1A03_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2b 3 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXNA1_OMOSC Mu-theraphotoxin-Os1a (Mu-TRTX-Os1a) ... Omothymus schioedtei (Malaysian earth tiger ...

30 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 15 (Hntx-3) subfamily

H3A01_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 1 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A02_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 2 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.2) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A03_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.3) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A04_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 4 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.4) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A05_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 5 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.5) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A06_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 6 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.6) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A07_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 7 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.7) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A08_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 8 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.8) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A09_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 9 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.9) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A10_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 10 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.10) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A11_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 11 (HnTx-III) (Hainantoxin-3.11) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3A12_CYRHA Hainantoxin-III 12 (HnTx-III.12) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3B01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2j 1 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3B02_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2j 2 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3B03_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2j 3 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3B04_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2j 4 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3B05_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2j 4 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3C01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2k (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2k) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3D01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2l (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2l) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3E01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2m (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2m) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3F01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2n (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2n) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3G01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2o (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2o) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3H01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2p (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2p) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3J01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2c (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2c) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3K01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2d (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2d) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3L01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2e (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2e) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3M01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2f (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3N01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2g (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2g) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3O01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2h (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2h) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H3P01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2i (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2i) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 16 (Hntx-8) subfamily

HN423_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1r (U3-TRTX-Hhn1r) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

13 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 17 (Hntx-9) subfamily

H9A01_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f 1 (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9A02_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f 2 (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9A03_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f 3 (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9A04_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f 4 (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9B01_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 1 (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9B02_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 2 (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9B03_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 3 (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9C01_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9D01_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1c) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9E01_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1d) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H9F01_CYRHA Omega-theraphotoxin-Hhn1e (Omega-TRTX-Hhn1e) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
HN131_CYRHA Hainantoxin F1-31.97 (Peptide F1-31.97) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXH5_CYRSC Omega-theraphotoxin-Hs2a (Omega-TRTX-Hs2a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 18 (Hntx-VII) subfamily

H7A01_CYRHA U5-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U5-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 19 (HpTX2) subfamily

TXHP2_HETVE Kappa-sparatoxin-Hv1b (Kappa-SPRTX-Hv1b) ... Heteropoda venatoria (Brown huntsman spider) ...
TXJ1_HETVE Kappa-sparatoxin-Hv1e (Kappa-SPRTX-Hv1e) (Toxin ... Heteropoda venatoria (Brown huntsman spider) ...
TXU2_HETVE Kappa-sparatoxin-Hv1d (Kappa-SPRTX-Hv1d) (Toxin ... Heteropoda venatoria (Brown huntsman spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 20 (HpTX3) subfamily

TXHP3_HETVE Kappa-sparatoxin-Hv1c (Kappa-SPRTX-Hv1c) ... Heteropoda venatoria (Brown huntsman spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 21 (HpTx1) subfamily

TXHP1_HETVE Kappa-sparatoxin-Hv1a (Kappa-SPRTX-Hv1a) ... Heteropoda venatoria (Brown huntsman spider) ...

11 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 22 (Htx-4) subfamily

CCY1B_CHRCN Mu-theraphotoxin-CCy1b (Mu-TRTX-CCy1b) Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Greenbottle blue ...
EP1A_BUMPU Mu-theraphotoxin-Ep1a (Mu-TRTX-Ep1a) Bumba pulcherrimaklaasi (Tarantula spider) ...
H4A01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b 1 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H4A02_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b 2 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H4A03_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b 3 (Mu-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H4B01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c (Mu-TRTX-Hhn1c) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H4C01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d (Mu-TRTX-Hhn1d) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
HD1A_CYRDO Mu-theraphotoxin-Hd1a (Mu-TRTX-Hd1a) Cyriopagopus doriae (Tarantula spider) ...
OSP1B_ORPS1 Mu-theraphotoxin-Osp1b (Mu-TRTX-Osp1b) Orphnaecus sp. (strain ...
TXH4_CYRSC Huwentoxin-IV (HwTx-IV) (Huwentoxin-4) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXHA5_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (Mu-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 23 (HwTx-I) subfamily

TXH1_CYRSC Mu/omega-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (Mu/omega-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 24 (Hwtx-6) subfamily

HN324_CYRHA U1-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U1-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 25 (ICK4) subfamily

ICK4_TRILK U11-barytoxin-Tl1a (U11-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ICK-4) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK5_TRILK U11-barytoxin-Tl1b (U11-BATX-Tl1b) (Toxin ICK-5) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 26 (ICK-1) subfamily

ICK1_TRILK U8-barytoxin-Tl1a (U8-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ICK-1) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 27 (ICK-3) subfamily

ICK3_TRILK U10-barytoxin-Tl1a (U10-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ICK-3) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

14 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 28 (Jztx-11) subfamily

JZ11A_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ11B_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ11C_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 3 (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ11D_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 4 (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ11E_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 5 (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ11F_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 6 (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT29_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1c (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1c) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT30_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT61_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1d (Kappa-TRTX-Cg1d) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
PN3A_PAMNI Mu-theraphotoxin-Pn3a (Mu-TRTX-Pn3a) Pamphobeteus nigricolor (Giant blue bloom ...
PN3B_PAMNI Mu-theraphotoxin-Pn3b (Mu-TRTX-Pn3b) Pamphobeteus nigricolor (Giant blue bloom ...
TX1A_MONBA Mu/omega-theraphotoxin-Mb1a (Mu/omega-TRTX-Mb1a) Monocentropus balfouri (Socotra Island blue ...
TX1B_MONBA Mu/omega-theraphotoxin-Mb1b (Mu/omega-TRTX-Mb1b) Monocentropus balfouri (Socotra Island blue ...
TXG2_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Pg2a (Kappa-TRTX-Pg2a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 29 (Jztx-13) subfamily

JZ13A_CHIGU U10-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (U10-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ13B_CHIGU U10-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (U10-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ13C_CHIGU U10-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 3 (U10-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 30 (Jztx-14) subfamily

JZ14A_CHIGU U8-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (U8-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ14B_CHIGU U8-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (U8-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ432_CHIGU Jingzhaotoxin F4-32.60 (Peptide F4-32.60) Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 31 (Jztx-15) subfamily

JZT15_CHIGU U12-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U12-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 32 (Jztx-16) subfamily

JZ16B_CHIGU U11-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U11-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT18_CHIGU U11-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U11-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 33 (Jztx-1) subfamily

JZT1A_CHIGU Delta-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (Delta-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT1B_CHIGU Delta-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (Delta-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT1C_CHIGU Delta-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 3 (Delta-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 34 (Jztx-26) subfamily

JZT25_CHIGU U16-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U16-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT26_CHIGU U16-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U16-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TXB1A_PTEMU Beta-theraphotoxin-Pmu1a (Beta-TRTX-Pmu1a) ... Pterinochilus murinus (Mombasa golden starburst ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 35 (Jztx-27) subfamily

JZT27_CHIGU U24-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U24-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 36 (Jztx-2) subfamily

JZTX2_CHIGU U7-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U7-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 37 (Jztx-31) subfamily

JZ31A_CHIGU Mu-theraphotoxin-Cg2a 1 (Mu-TRTX-Cg2a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ31B_CHIGU Mu-theraphotoxin-Cg2a 2 (Mu-TRTX-Cg2a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ31C_CHIGU Mu-theraphotoxin-Cg2a 3 (Mu-TRTX-Cg2a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 38 (Jztx-33) subfamily

JZT33_CHIGU U19-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U19-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 39 (Jztx-34) subfamily

HM1A_PHLSP Mu-theraphotoxin-Phlo1a (Mu-TRTX-Phlo1a) Phlogius sp. (Tarantula spider)
HM1B_PHLSP Mu-theraphotoxin-Phlo1b (Mu-TRTX-Phlo1b) Phlogius sp. (Tarantula spider)
JZT34_CHIGU Mu-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (Mu-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 40 (Jztx-35) subfamily

JZ35A_CHIGU U20-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (U20-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ35B_CHIGU U20-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (U20-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 41 (Jztx-36) subfamily

JZT36_CHIGU U13-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U13-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT37_CHIGU U13-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U13-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TXO1A_PELMU Omega-theraphotoxin-Pm1a (Omega-TRTX-Pm1a) ... Pelinobius muticus (King baboon spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 42 (Jztx-44) subfamily

JZT44_CHIGU U22-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U22-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 43 (Jztx-49) subfamily

JZT49_CHIGU U9-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U9-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 44 (Jztx-4) subfamily

JZT4A_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg3a 1 (Kappa-TRTX-Cg3a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT4B_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg3a 2 (Kappa-TRTX-Cg3a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZTX3_CHIGU Beta/kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg1a ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TXG1D_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Pg1b (Kappa-TRTX-Pg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TXG1E_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Pg1a (Kappa-TRTX-Pg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 45 (Jztx-60) subfamily

JZT60_CHIGU U28-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U28-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

6 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 46 (Jztx-7/10/12) subfamily

JZ12A_CHIGU U1-theraphotoxin-Cg1d 1 (U1-TRTX-Cg1d) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ12B_CHIGU U1-theraphotoxin-Cg1d 2 (U1-TRTX-Cg1d) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT10_CHIGU U1-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U1-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT7A_CHIGU U1-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (U1-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT7B_CHIGU U1-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (U1-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TX3_SELPU Orally active insecticidal peptide-3 (Toxin OAIP ... Selenotypus plumipes (Australian featherleg ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 47 subfamily

JZT32_CHIGU U18-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U18-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
PME2A_POEME Mu/delta-theraphotoxin-Pm2a (Mu/delta-TRTX-Pm2a) ... Poecilotheria metallica (Metallic blue ...
TX1A_AUGEZ Mu-theraphotoxin-Ae1a (Mu-TRTX-Ae1a) Augacephalus ezendami (Mozambique baboon spider) ...
TX3_CERMR Beta-theraphotoxin-Cm2a (Beta-TRTX-Cm2a) ... Ceratogyrus marshalli (Straighthorned baboon ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 48 (Jztx-F5) subfamily

JZ521_CHIGU Jingzhaotoxin F5-21.66 (Peptide F5-21.66) Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 49 (Jztx-F6) subfamily

JZ627_CHIGU Jingzhaotoxin F6-27.63 (Peptide F6-27.63) Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 50 (Jztz-F7) subfamily

JZ710_CHIGU Jingzhaotoxin F7-10.36 (Peptide F7-10.36) Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 51 (Hntx-8) subfamily

H3I01_CYRHA Mu-theraphotoxin-Hhn2q (Mu-TRTX-Hhn2q) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXT1_CYRSC U6-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (U6-TRTX-Hs1a) (SHT-I) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

46 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 51 (Hntx-8) subfamily, Hntx-8 sub-subfamily

H8A01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 1 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A02_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 2 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A03_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 3 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A04_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 4 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A05_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 5 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A06_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 6 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A07_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 7 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A08_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 8 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A09_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 9 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A10_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 10 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A11_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 11 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A12_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 12 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A13_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 13 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A14_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 14 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A15_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 15 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A16_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 16 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A17_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 17 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A18_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 18 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8A19_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a 19 (U3-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8B01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1j (U3-TRTX-Hhn1j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8C01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1k (U3-TRTX-Hhn1k) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8D01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1l (U3-TRTX-Hhn1l) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8E01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1m (U3-TRTX-Hhn1m) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8F01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1n (U3-TRTX-Hhn1n) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8G01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1o (U3-TRTX-Hhn1o) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8H01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1p (U3-TRTX-Hhn1p) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8I01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1q (U3-TRTX-Hhn1q) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8J01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b (U3-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8K01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c (U3-TRTX-Hhn1c) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8L01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d (U3-TRTX-Hhn1d) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8M01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1e (U3-TRTX-Hhn1e) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8N01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f (U3-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8O01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1g (U3-TRTX-Hhn1g) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8P01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1h (U3-TRTX-Hhn1h) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H8Q01_CYRHA U3-theraphotoxin-Hhn1i (U3-TRTX-Hhn1i) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXH3_CYRSC Mu-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (Mu-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLA1_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1a 1 (U5-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLA3_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1a 3 (U5-TRTX-Hs1a) (Lectin ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLA4_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1a 4 (U5-TRTX-Hs1a) (Lectin ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLA5_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1a 5 (U5-TRTX-Hs1a) (Lectin ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLA6_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1a 6 (U5-TRTX-Hs1a) (Lectin ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLB1_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1b 1 (U5-TRTX-Hs1b) (Lectin ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLB2_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1b 2 (U5-TRTX-Hs1b) (Lectin ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLC_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1c (U5-TRTX-Hs1c) (Lectin ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLD_CYRSC U5-theraphotoxin-Hs1d (U5-TRTX-Hs1d) (Lectin ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXLF3_CYRHA U2-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U2-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 52 (MTx4) subfamily

MTX4_GRARO M-theraphotoxin-Gr1a (M-TRTX-Gr1a) (GsMTx-4) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 53 (PNTx27C4) subfamily

TX26A_PHONI Neurotoxin PRTx26An0C3 Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX27_PHONI U17-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U17-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX27_PHORI U4-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (U4-CNTX-Pr1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX32_PHOKE U6-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U6-CNTX-Pk1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 54 (ProTx-1) subfamily

PE1A_PHOEV Beta/mu-theraphotoxin-Pe1a (Beta/mu-TRTX-Pe1a) Phormingochilus everetti (Malaysian purple earth ...
PE1B_PHOEV Beta/mu-theraphotoxin-Pe1b (Beta/mu-TRTX-Pe1b) Phormingochilus everetti (Malaysian purple earth ...
TXDF1_DAFVA Mu-theraphotoxin-Df1a (Mu-TRTX-Df1a) Davus fasciatus (Costa Rican tiger rump) ...
TXPR1_BUMPU Beta/omega-theraphotoxin-Bp1a ... Bumba pulcherrimaklaasi (Tarantula spider) ...
TXPR1_THRPR Beta/omega-theraphotoxin-Tp1a ... Thrixopelma pruriens (Peruvian green velvet ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 55 (ProTx-III) subfamily

HPR3_THRPR Mu-theraphotoxin-Tp1a (Mu-TRTX-Tp1a) (Protoxin ... Thrixopelma pruriens (Peruvian green velvet ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 56 (SNX-482) subfamily

TX482_HYSGI Omega-theraphotoxin-Hg1a (Omega-TRTX-Hg1a) ... Hysterocrates gigas (Cameroon red baboon ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 57 (ScTx1) subfamily

TX1_STRCF Kappa-theraphotoxin-Sc1a (Kappa-TRTX-Sc1a) ... Stromatopelma calceatum (Featherleg baboon ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 58 subfamily

TX2_THEBL Kappa-theraphotoxin-Tb1b (Kappa-TRTX-Tb1b) ... Theraphosa blondi (Goliath birdeating spider)

4 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 59 (Tltx) subfamily

TAP1A_THEAO Mu/omega-theraphotoxin-Tap1a ... Theraphosa apophysis (Goliath pinkfoot ...
TAP2A_THEAO Mu/omega-theraphotoxin-Tap2a ... Theraphosa apophysis (Goliath pinkfoot ...
TX1_THEBL Kappa-theraphotoxin-Tb1a (Kappa-TRTX-Tb1a) ... Theraphosa blondi (Goliath birdeating spider)
TX3_THEBL Kappa-theraphotoxin-Tb1c (Kappa-TRTX-Tb1c) ... Theraphosa blondi (Goliath birdeating spider)

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 60 (Tx2-9) subfamily

TX29_PHONI U5-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U5-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 61 (VSTX3) subfamily

VSTX3_GRARO Voltage sensor toxin 3 (VSTX3) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...
VSTX3_PARSR Voltage sensor toxin 3 (VSTX3) ... Paraphysa scrofa (Chilean copper tarantula) ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 62 (Vatx) subfamily

TX621_ENCOL Beta-theraphotoxin-Eo1a (Beta-TRTX-Eo1a) Encyocratella olivacea (Tanzanian black and ...
TX621_POEME Mu-theraphotoxin-Pm1a (Mu-TRTX-Pm1a) Poecilotheria metallica (Metallic blue ...
TX621_PSACA Tau/kappa-theraphotoxin-Pc1a ... Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad chevron ...
TX622_PSACA Tau-theraphotoxin-Pc1b (Tau-TRTX-Pc1b) ... Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad chevron ...
TX623_PSACA Tau-theraphotoxin-Pc1c (Tau-TRTX-Pc1c) ... Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad chevron ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 63 (VsTx1) subfamily

VSTX1_ACAGO U1-theraphotoxin-Agm3a (U1-TRTX-Agm3a) Acanthoscurria gomesiana (Tarantula spider) ...
VSTX1_GRARO Kappa-theraphotoxin-Gr3a (Kappa-TRTX-Gr3a) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 64 (Jztx-20) subfamily

JZ20A_CHIGU U23-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (U23-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ20B_CHIGU U23-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (U23-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 65 (Jztx-21) subfamily

JZ21A_CHIGU U14-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 1 (U14-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ21B_CHIGU U14-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 2 (U14-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ21C_CHIGU U14-theraphotoxin-Cg1a 3 (U14-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT22_CHIGU U14-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U14-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT23_CHIGU U14-theraphotoxin-Cg1c (U14-TRTX-Cg1c) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 66 (Jztx-24) subfamily

JZT24_CHIGU U15-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U15-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 10 (Hwtx-1) family, 67 (Jztx-67) subfamily

JZ67B_CHIGU U37-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U37-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT68_CHIGU U37-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U37-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

7 entries

Neurotoxin 11 (kappa toxin) family

TK1A_HADFO Lambda-hexatoxin-Hf1a (Lambda-HXTX-Hf1a) ... Hadronyche formidabilis (Northern tree ...
TK1A_HADMO Lambda-hexatoxin-Hmo1d (Lambda-HXTX-Hmo1d) ... Hadronyche modesta (Victorian funnel-web spider)
TK1A_HADVE Lambda-hexatoxin-Hv1a (Lambda-HXTX-Hv1a) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TK1B_HADVE Lambda-hexatoxin-Hv1b (Lambda-HXTX-Hv1b) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TK1C_HADVE Lambda-hexatoxin-Hv1c (Lambda-HXTX-Hv1c) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TK1D_HADVE Lambda-hexatoxin-Hv1d (Lambda-HXTX-Hv1d) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TK1E_HADVE Lambda-hexatoxin-Hv1e (Lambda-HXTX-Hv1e) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 12 (Hwtx-2) family, 01 (Ap1a) subfamily

TXA1_ACAGO U1-theraphotoxin-Agm1a (U1-TRTX-Agm1a) Acanthoscurria gomesiana (Tarantula spider) ...
TXA1_ACAPA U1-theraphotoxin-Ap1a (U1-TRTX-Ap1a) Acanthoscurria paulensis (Brazilian giant black ...
TXAN1_ACANA Mu-theraphotoxin-An1a (Mu-TRTX-An1a) Acanthoscurria natalensis (Tarantula spider)

59 entries

Neurotoxin 12 (Hwtx-2) family, 02 (Hwtx-2) subfamily

H2A01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A02_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A04_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A05_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A06_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A08_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A09_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A10_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A11_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A12_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A13_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A14_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A15_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A16_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A17_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A18_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A19_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A20_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A21_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A22_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A23_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A24_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2A25_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U4-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2AA1_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1s (U4-TRTX-Hhn1s) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2AB1_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1t (U4-TRTX-Hhn1t) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2AC1_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1u (U4-TRTX-Hhn1u) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2B01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1aa (U4-TRTX-Hhn1aa) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2C01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1w (U4-TRTX-Hhn1w) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2D01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1x (U4-TRTX-Hhn1x) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2E01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1ab (U4-TRTX-Hhn1ab) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2F01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1z (U4-TRTX-Hhn1z) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2G01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c (U4-TRTX-Hhn1c) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2G02_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c (U4-TRTX-Hhn1c) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2H01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1ac (U4-TRTX-Hhn1ac) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2I01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1ad (U4-TRTX-Hhn1ad) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2J01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b (U4-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2J02_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b (U4-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2K01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1y (U4-TRTX-Hhn1y) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2L01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d (U4-TRTX-Hhn1d) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2M01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1e (U4-TRTX-Hhn1e) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2N01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f (U4-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2O01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1g (U4-TRTX-Hhn1g) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2P01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1h (U4-TRTX-Hhn1h) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2Q01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1i (U4-TRTX-Hhn1i) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2R01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1j (U4-TRTX-Hhn1j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2S01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1k (U4-TRTX-Hhn1k) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2T01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1l (U4-TRTX-Hhn1l) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2U01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1m (U4-TRTX-Hhn1m) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2V01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1n (U4-TRTX-Hhn1n) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2W01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1o (U4-TRTX-Hhn1o) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2X01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1p (U4-TRTX-Hhn1p) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2Y01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1q (U4-TRTX-Hhn1q) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H2Z01_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1r (U4-TRTX-Hhn1r) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
HN817_CYRHA U4-theraphotoxin-Hhn1v (U4-TRTX-Hhn1v) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXH21_CYRSC U1-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (U1-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXH22_CYRSC U1-theraphotoxin-Hs1b (U1-TRTX-Hs1b) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXH23_CYRSC U1-theraphotoxin-Hs1f (U1-TRTX-Hs1f) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXH7_CYRSC U1-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (U1-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXH8_CYRSC U1-theraphotoxin-Hs1f (U1-TRTX-Hs1f) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

8 entries

Neurotoxin 12 (Hwtx-2) family, 03 (juruin) subfamily

CT1A_CORTR U1-theraphotoxin-Ct1a (U1-TRTX-Ct1a) Coremiocnemis tropix (Australian tarantula ...
CT1B_CORTR U1-theraphotoxin-Ct1b (U1-TRTX-Ct1b) Coremiocnemis tropix (Australian tarantula ...
JURTX_AVIJU U-theraphotoxin-Aju1a (U-TRTX-Aju1a) (Juruin) Avicularia juruensis (Yellow-banded pinktoe)
JZ47A_CHIGU U3-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U3-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ47B_CHIGU U3-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U3-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT48_CHIGU U3-theraphotoxin-Cg1c (U3-TRTX-Cg1c) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT8A_CHIGU U3-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U3-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT8B_CHIGU U3-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U3-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 12 (Hwtx-2) family, 04 (lasiotoxin) subfamily

TXL1_LASPA U1-theraphotoxin-Lp1a (U1-TRTX-Lp1a) ... Lasiodora parahybana (Brazilian salmon pink ...
TXL1_LASSB U1-theraphotoxin-Lsp1a (U1-TRTX-Lsp1a) (LTx1) Lasiodora sp. (strain IBSP 8539) (Brazilian ...
TXL2_LASPA U1-theraphotoxin-Lp1b (U1-TRTX-Lp1b) ... Lasiodora parahybana (Brazilian salmon pink ...
TXLT2_LASSB U1-theraphotoxin-Lsp1b (U1-TRTX-Lsp1b) (LTx2) Lasiodora sp. (strain IBSP 8539) (Brazilian ...
TXLT3_LASSB U1-theraphotoxin-Lsp1c (U1-TRTX-Lsp1c) (LTx3) Lasiodora sp. (strain IBSP 8539) (Brazilian ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 12 (Hwtx-2) family, 05 (OAIP-5) subfamily

TX5_SELPU Toxin OAIP 5 Selenotypus plumipes (Australian featherleg ...

8 entries

Neurotoxin 12 (Hwtx-2) family, 06 (TXP1) subfamily

TX1A_APHSP Omega-theraphotoxin-Asp1a (Omega-TRTX-Asp1a) ... Aphonopelma sp. (American tarantula)
TX1F_APHSP Omega-theraphotoxin-Asp1f (Omega-TRTX-Asp1f) ... Aphonopelma sp. (American tarantula)
TX1G_APHSP Omega-theraphotoxin-Asp1g (Omega-TRTX-Asp1g) ... Aphonopelma sp. (American tarantula)
TXP1A_BRASM Omega-theraphotoxin-Bs1a (Omega-TRTX-Bs1a) ... Brachypelma smithi (Mexican red knee tarantula) ...
TXP1B_BRASM Omega-theraphotoxin-Bs1b (Omega-TRTX-Bs1b) ... Brachypelma smithi (Mexican red knee tarantula) ...
TXP1_BRAAI Omega-theraphotoxin-Ba1a (Omega-TRTX-Ba1a) (Ba1) Brachypelma albiceps (Mexican golden redrump ...
TXP2_BRAAI Omega-theraphotoxin-Ba1b (Omega-TRTX-Ba1b) (Ba2) Brachypelma albiceps (Mexican golden redrump ...
TXP3_BRAAI Omega-theraphotoxin-Ba1c (Omega-TRTX-Ba1c) ... Brachypelma albiceps (Mexican golden redrump ...

1 entry

Neurotoxin 13 (insecticidal toxin ABC) family, 01 (Aps III) subfamily

TXP3_APOSC Mu-cyrtautoxin-As1a (Mu-CUTX-As1a) (Aptotoxin ... Apomastus schlingeri (Trap-door spider) ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 13 (insecticidal toxin ABC) family, 02 (Calisoga) subfamily

CALA_CALS5 U1-nemetoxin-Csp1a (U1-NETX-Csp1a) (Toxic ... Calisoga sp. (Spider)
CALB_CALS5 U1-nemetoxin-Csp1b (U1-NETX-Csp1b) (Toxic ... Calisoga sp. (Spider)
CALC_CALS5 U1-nemetoxin-Csp1c (U1-NETX-Csp1a) (Toxic ... Calisoga sp. (Spider)

1 entry

Neurotoxin 13 (insecticidal toxin ABC) family, 03 (JZTX-59) subfamily

JZT59_CHIGU U29-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U29-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 13 (insecticidal toxin ABC) family, ICK-21 subfamily

ICK20_TRILK Toxin ICK-20 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK21_TRILK Toxin ICK-21 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

1 entry

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family

TXP7_APOSC U3-cyrtautoxin-As1a (U3-CUTX-As1a) (Aptotoxin ... Apomastus schlingeri (Trap-door spider) ...

56 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 01 (HNTX-16) subfamily

H1610_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1611_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1612_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1613_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1614_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1615_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1616_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1617_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1618_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1619_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1620_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1621_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1622_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1623_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1624_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1625_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1626_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1627_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1628_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H1629_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A2_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A3_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A4_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A5_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A6_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A7_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A8_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16A9_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U11-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16B1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b (U11-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16B2_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b (U11-TRTX-Hhn1b) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16C1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c (U11-TRTX-Hhn1c) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16D1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d (U11-TRTX-Hhn1d) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16E1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1e (U11-TRTX-Hhn1e) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16F1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f (U11-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16F2_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f (U11-TRTX-Hhn1f) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16G1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1g (U11-TRTX-Hhn1g) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16H1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1h (U11-TRTX-Hhn1h) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16I1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1i (U11-TRTX-Hhn1i) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16J1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1j (U11-TRTX-Hhn1j) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16K1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1k (U11-TRTX-Hhn1k) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16L1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1l (U11-TRTX-Hhn1l) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16M1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1m (U11-TRTX-Hhn1m) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16N1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1n (U11-TRTX-Hhn1n) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16O1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1o (U11-TRTX-Hhn1o) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16P1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1p (U11-TRTX-Hhn1p) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16Q1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1q (U11-TRTX-Hhn1q) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16R1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1r (U11-TRTX-Hhn1r) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16S1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1s (U11-TRTX-Hhn1s) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16T1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1t (U11-TRTX-Hhn1t) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16U1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1u (U11-TRTX-Hhn1u) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16V1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1v (U11-TRTX-Hhn1v) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16X1_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1w (U11-TRTX-Hhn1w) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H16ZA_CYRHA U11-theraphotoxin-Hhn1x (U11-TRTX-Hhn1x) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H19A1_CYRHA U9-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a (U9-TRTX-Hhn1a) ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXH6_CYRSC U3-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (U3-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 02 (HWTX-XVIc) subfamily

HN522_CYRHA Hainantoxin F5-22.36 (Peptide F5-22.36) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
TX16C_CYRSC U10-theraphotoxin-Hs2a (U10-TRTX-Hs2a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

6 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 03 (ICK-30-40) subfamily

ICK35_TRILK U17-barytoxin-Tl1a (U17-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK36_TRILK U17-barytoxin-Tl1b (U17-BATX-Tl1b) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK37_TRILK U17-barytoxin-Tl1c (U17-BATX-Tl1c) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK38_TRILK U17-barytoxin-Tl1d (U17-BATX-Tl1d) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK39_TRILK U17-barytoxin-Tl1a (U17-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK40_TRILK U17-barytoxin-Tl1d (U17-BATX-Tl1d) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

1 entry

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 04 (ICK-6) subfamily

ICK6_TRILK U12-barytoxin-Tl1a (U12-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ICK-6) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

2 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 05 (ICK-7) subfamily

TXH9_CYRSC U4-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (U4-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXMG7_MACGS U8-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U8-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)

2 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 05 (ICK-7) subfamily, ICK-7 sub-subfamily

ICK2_TRILK U9-barytoxin-Tl1a (U9-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ICK-2) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK7_TRILK U13-barytoxin-Tl1a (U13-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ICK-7) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

10 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 06 (ICK-Trit) subfamily

ICK25_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1a (U16-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK26_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1b (U16-BATX-Tl1b) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK27_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1c (U16-BATX-Tl1c) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK28_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1d (U16-BATX-Tl1d) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK29_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1e (U16-BATX-Tl1e) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK30_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1c (U16-BATX-Tl1c) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK31_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1c (U16-BATX-Tl1c) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK32_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1a (U16-BATX-Tl1a) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK33_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1f (U16-BATX-Tl1f) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK34_TRILK U16-barytoxin-Tl1f (U16-BATX-Tl1f) (Toxin ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

3 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 07 (Jztx-56) subfamily

JZT56_CHIGU U26-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U26-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT57_CHIGU U26-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U26-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
T61A_HADIN U6-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U6-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF8 peptide) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...

7 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 08 (Ltx-4) subfamily

TF1A_HADIN U15-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U15-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF20 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TX132_APHSP Omega-theraphotoxin-Asp3a (Omega-TRTX-Asp3a) ... Aphonopelma sp. (American tarantula)
TX1A_TLIAL U1-theraphotoxin-Tal1a (U1-TRTX-Tal1a) ... Tliltocatl albopilosus (Curlyhair tarantula) ...
TX2_ACAPA Omega toxin Ap2 Acanthoscurria paulensis (Brazilian giant black ...
TX35_ACAPA Omega toxin Ap5 [Cleaved into: Omega toxin Ap3] Acanthoscurria paulensis (Brazilian giant black ...
TXBS1_BRASM Omega-theraphotoxin-Bs2a (Omega-TRTX-Bs2a) ... Brachypelma smithi (Mexican red knee tarantula) ...
TXLT4_LASSB U2-theraphotoxin-Lsp1a (U2-TRTX-Lsp1a) (LTx4) Lasiodora sp. (strain IBSP 8539) (Brazilian ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, 09 (magi-1) subfamily

TXMG1_MACGS Mu-hexatoxin-Mg1b (Mu-HXTX-Mg1b) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXMG2_MACGS Mu-hexatoxin-Mg1a (Mu-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXPT6_MACGS Mu-hexatoxin-Mg1c (Mu-HXTX-Mg1c) (Peptide toxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)

2 entries

Neurotoxin 14 (magi-1) family, OAIP-1 subfamily

JZT58_CHIGU U27-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U27-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TX1_SELPU U1-theraphotoxin-Sp1a (U1-TRTX-Sp1a) (Orally ... Selenotypus plumipes (Australian featherleg ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 15 family, 01 (magi-5) subfamily

TXM11_MACGS U12-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U12-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXMG5_MACGS Beta-hexatoxin-Mg1a (Beta-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXR3_MACRV Beta-hexatoxin-Mr1a (Beta-HXTX-Mr1a) (Raventoxin ... Macrothele raveni (Funnel-web spider)

6 entries

Neurotoxin 15 family, 02 (omega-actx) subfamily

TO2A_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi2a (Omega-HXTX-Hi2a) ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TO2B_ATRRO Omega-hexatoxin-Hr2b (Omega-HXTX-Hr2b) Atrax robustus (Sydney funnel-web spider)
TOT2A_ATRIL Omega-hexatoxin-Asp2a (Omega-HXTX-Asp2a) ... Atrax sp. (strain Illawarra) (Funnel-web spider)
TOT2A_HADVE Omega-hexatoxin-Hv2a (Omega-HXTX-Hv2a) ... Hadronyche versuta (Blue mountains funnel-web ...
TOT2B_ATRIL Omega-hexatoxin-Asp2b (Omega-HXTX-Asp2b) ... Atrax sp. (strain Illawarra) (Funnel-web spider)
TOT2B_HADIN Omega-hexatoxin-Hi2b (Omega-HXTX-Hi2b) ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...

10 entries

Neurotoxin 16 (SFI) family

SFI1_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1a (Mu-SGTX-Sf1a) (F5.6) ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SFI2_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1b (Mu-SGTX-Sf1b) (F5.7) ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SFI3_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1c (Mu-SGTX-Sf1c) (Toxin ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SFI4_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1d (Mu-SGTX-Sf1d) (Toxin ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SFI5_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1e (Mu-SGTX-Sf1e) (Toxin ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SFI6_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1f (Mu-SGTX-Sf1f) (Toxin ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SFI7_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1g (Mu-SGTX-Sf1g) (Toxin ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SFI8_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1h (Mu-SGTX-Sf1h) (Toxin ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SFIF_SEGFL Mu-segestritoxin-Sf1i (Mu-SGTX-Sf1i) (Toxin ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
SIT_SEGFL U1-segestritoxin-Sf1a (U1-SGTX-Sf1a) ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...

6 entries

Neurotoxin 17 (21C2) family

F256_CTEON U21-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U21-CNTX-Co1a) (Venom ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
T244_PHONI U13-ctenitoxin-Pn1c (U13-CNTX-Pn1c) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX13_PHONI U13-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U13-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX17_PHORI U6-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (U6-CNTX-Pr1a) (Venom protein ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...
TX21_PHOKE U3-ctenitoxin-Pk1a (U3-CNTX-Pk1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria keyserlingi (Brazilian wandering ...
TX24_PHONI U13-ctenitoxin-Pn1b (U13-CNTX-Pn1b) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

7 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family

LTX1A_LACTA Latartoxin-1a (LtTx-1a) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
LTX1B_LACTA Latartoxin-1b (LtTx-1b) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
TX4A_PARAW Lycotoxin-Pa4a (LCTX-Pa4a) Pardosa astrigera (Wolf spider)
TXC10_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-10 Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC11_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-11 Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC9A_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-9 (Toxin CsTx-9a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXHM2_HERML Mu-thomitoxin-Hme1b (Mu-TMTX-Hme1b) (Neurotoxin ... Heriaeus mellotteei (Crab spider) (Heriaeus ...

38 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 01 subfamily

TX301_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1w (Toxin-like structure LSTX-B1) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX302_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1x (Toxin-like structure LSTX-B2) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX303_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1k (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX305_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure LSTX-B5) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX306_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1u (Toxin-like structure LSTX-B6) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX307_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1v (Toxin-like structure LSTX-B7) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX308_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure LSTX-B8) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX309_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure LSTX-B9) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX310_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX311_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX312_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX313_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX314_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX315_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX316_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX317_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX318_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX319_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX320_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX321_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1g (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX322_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1h (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX323_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1i (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX324_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1j (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX326_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1l (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX327_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1k (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX328_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1k (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX329_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1k (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX330_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1n (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX331_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1o (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX332_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1p (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX333_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1k (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX334_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1q (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX335_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1k (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX336_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1r (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX337_LYCSI U3-lycotoxin-Ls1s (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZ01_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D1 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZ02_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D2 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZ10_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D10 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

7 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 02 (D7) subfamily

TXZ03_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D3 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZ04_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D4 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZ05_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D5 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZ06_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D6 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZ07_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D7 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZ08_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D8 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXZD9_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-D9 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

16 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 03 subfamily

TX141_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1y (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX142_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1z (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX143_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1aa (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX144_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1bb (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX145_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1cc (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX146_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1dd (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX147_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1ee (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX148_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1ff (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX149_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1gg (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX150_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1hh (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX151_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1ii (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX152_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1jj (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX153_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1kk (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX154_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1kk (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX155_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1ll (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX156_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1mm (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

39 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 04 (U1-Lctx) subfamily

TX101_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure LSTX-A1) ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX102_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure LSTX-A2) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX104_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure LSTX-A4) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX105_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure LSTX-A5) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX106_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure LSTX-A6) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX107_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure LSTX-A7) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX108_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure LSTX-A8) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX109_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX111_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX112_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX113_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX114_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX115_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX116_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX117_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX119_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1g (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX120_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1h (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX121_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1i (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX122_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1j (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX123_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX124_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1k (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX125_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX126_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1l (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX127_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1m (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX128_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1n (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX129_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX130_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1o (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX131_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1p (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX132_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1q (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX133_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1r (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX134_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1s (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX135_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1t (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX136_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1u (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX137_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX138_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1v (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX139_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1w (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX140_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1x (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX501_LYCSI U5-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure LSTX-E1) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXC1_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-1 (Omega-ctenitoxin-Cs1a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

7 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 05 (U4-Lctx) subfamily

TX401_LYCSI U4-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U4-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX402_LYCSI U4-lycotoxin-Ls1b (U4-LCTX-Ls1b) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX403_LYCSI U4-lycotoxin-Ls1c (U4-LCTX-Ls1c) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX404_LYCSI U4-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U4-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX405_LYCSI U4-lycotoxin-Ls1d (U4-LCTX-Ls1d) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX406_LYCSI U4-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U4-LCTX-Ls1a) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXPR2_ALOMR Purotoxin-2 (PT2) (OMICRON-lycotoxin-Am1b) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...

10 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 06 (U6-Lctx) subfamily

TX601_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure LSTX-F1) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX602_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1c (U6-LCTX-Ls1c) (Toxin-like ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX603_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure LSTX-F3) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX604_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure LSTX-F4) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX605_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure LSTX-F5) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX606_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure LSTX-F6) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX607_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure LSTX-F7) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX608_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1g (Toxin-like structure LSTX-F8) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX609_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1h (Toxin-like structure LSTX-F9) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX610_LYCSI U6-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

11 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 07 (U7-Lctx) subfamily

TX701_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G1) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX702_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G2) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX703_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G3) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX704_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G4) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX705_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G5) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX706_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G6) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX707_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1g (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G7) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX708_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1h (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G8) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX709_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure LSTX-G9) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX710_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX711_LYCSI U7-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

28 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 08 (U8-Lctx) subfamily

TX801_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure LSTX-H1) ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX803_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1r (Toxin-like structure LSTX-H3) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX804_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1u (Toxin-like structure LSTX-H4) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX805_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1v (Toxin-like structure LSTX-H5) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX806_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1t (Toxin-like structure LSTX-H6) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX807_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1t (Toxin-like structure LSTX-H7) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX808_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1s (Toxin-like structure LSTX-H8) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX809_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1w (Toxin-like structure LSTX-H9) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX811_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX812_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX813_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX814_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX815_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX816_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1g (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX817_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1h (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX818_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1i (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX819_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1j (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX820_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1k (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX821_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1l (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX822_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1m (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX823_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1m (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX824_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1n (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX825_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1o (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX826_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1p (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX827_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1m (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX828_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1q (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX829_LYCSI U8-lycotoxin-Ls1m (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TX830_LYCSI U9-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

5 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 09 (U10-Lctx) subfamily

TXA01_LYCSI U10-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXA02_LYCSI U10-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXA03_LYCSI U10-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXA04_LYCSI U10-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXA31_LYCSI U10-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

6 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 10 (U11-Lctx) subfamily

TXB08_LYCSI U11-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXBJ5_LYCSI U11-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXBJ6_LYCSI U11-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXBJ7_LYCSI U11-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXBJ9_LYCSI U11-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXBJA_LYCSI U11-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 11 (latartoxin) subfamily

LTX2A_LACTA Latartoxin-2a (LtTx-2a) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
LTX2B_LACTA Latartoxin-2b (LtTx-2b) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)
LTX2C_LACTA Latartoxin-2c (LtTx-2c) Lachesana tarabaevi (Spider)

5 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, 12 subfamily

TXC12_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-12 [Cleaved into: CSTX-12 A chain; ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC13_CUPSA Neurotoxic enhancer CSTX-13 (U2-ctenitoxin-Cs1a) ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC14_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-14 [Cleaved into: CSTX-14 A chain; ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC15_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-15 [Cleaved into: CSTX-15 A chain; ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXC8_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-8 [Cleaved into: CSTX-8 A chain; ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)

3 entries

Neurotoxin 19 (CSTX) family, Double-CSTX subfamily

TX1A_CHEPU DELTA-miturgitoxin-Cp1a (DELTA-MGTX-Cp1a) ... Cheiracanthium punctorium (Yellow sac spider) ...
TX1B_CHEPU DELTA-miturgitoxin-Cp1b (DELTA-MGTX-Cp1b) (Toxin ... Cheiracanthium punctorium (Yellow sac spider) ...
TX1C_CHEPU DELTA-miturgitoxin-Cp1c (DELTA-MGTX-Cp1c) (Toxin ... Cheiracanthium punctorium (Yellow sac spider) ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 20 family

29C0_ANCSP U3-ctenitoxin-Asp1a (U3-CNTX-Asp1a) (Venom ... Ancylometes sp. (South American fishing spider)
TXC20_CUPSA Toxin CSTX-20 Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
TXCA_CAEEX U3-aranetoxin-Ce1a (U3-AATX-Ce1a) (Neurotoxic ... Caerostris extrusa (Bark spider) (Caerostris ...

11 entries

Neurotoxin 21 family

TL1A_HADIN U21-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U21-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF26 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TX211_APOSC U1-cyrtautoxin-As1a (U1-CUTX-As1a) (Aptotoxin I) ... Apomastus schlingeri (Trap-door spider) ...
TX214_APOSC U1-cyrtautoxin-As1b (U1-CUTX-As1b) (Aptotoxin ... Apomastus schlingeri (Trap-door spider) ...
TX216_APOSC U1-cyrtautoxin-As1c (U1-CUTX-As1c) (Aptotoxin ... Apomastus schlingeri (Trap-door spider) ...
TX219_APOSC U1-cyrtautoxin-As1d (U1-CUTX-As1d) (Aptotoxin ... Apomastus schlingeri (Trap-door spider) ...
TX21D_TRILK Toxin ICK-13 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
TX21F_TRILK Toxin ICK-15 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
TX21G_TRILK Toxin ICK-16 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
TX21H_TRILK Toxin ICK-17 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
TX21I_TRILK Toxin ICK-18 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
TX21J_TRILK Toxin ICK-19 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

1 entry

Neurotoxin 23 family, Double-knot toxin subfamily

DKTX_CYRSC Tau-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (Tau-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

14 entries

Neurotoxin 25 family, F7 subfamily

H18A1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVIII (HNTX-XVIII) (Peptide ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H18A2_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVIII.2 (HNTX-XVIII.2) (Peptide ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H18B1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVIII-2 (HNTX-XVIII-2) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H18C1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVIII-3 (HNTX-XVIII-3) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H18D1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVIII-4 (HNTX-XVIII-4) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H18E1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVIII-5 (HNTX-XVIII-5) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H18F1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVIII-6 (HNTX-XVIII-6) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H18G1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-XVIII-7 (HNTX-XVIII-7) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
T31A_HADIN U3-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U3-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF4 peptide) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TX18A_CYRSC U7-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (U7-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXM15_MACGS U15-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U15-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXM16_MACGS U15-hexatoxin-Mg1b (U15-HXTX-Mg1b) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXTR3_LASSB U3-theraphotoxin-Lsp1a (U3-TRTX-Lsp1a) (LTx5) Lasiodora sp. (strain IBSP 8539) (Brazilian ...
TXX01_LYCSI Toxin-like structure LSTX-R1 Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 25 family, ICK-8 subfamily

ICK10_TRILK Toxin ICK-10 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK11_TRILK Toxin ICK-11 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK8_TRILK Toxin ICK-8 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK9_TRILK Toxin ICK-9 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

3 entries

Neurotoxin 26 (DTX) family

TXI11_DIGCA Mu-diguetoxin-Dc1b (Mu-DGTX-Dc1b) (Insecticidal ... Diguetia canities (Desert bush spider) ...
TXI12_DIGCA Mu-diguetoxin-Dc1c (Mu-DGTX-Dc1c) (Insecticidal ... Diguetia canities (Desert bush spider) ...
TXI92_DIGCA Beta-diguetoxin-Dc1a (Beta-DGTX-Dc1a) (Dc1a) ... Diguetia canities (Desert bush spider) ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 27 (Jztx-72) family, ICK-41 subfamily

ICK12_TRILK Toxin ICK-12 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK14_TRILK Toxin ICK-14 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK41_TRILK Toxin ICK-41 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
ICK42_TRILK Toxin ICK-42 Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

4 entries

Neurotoxin 27 (Jztx-72) family, ICK-72 subfamily

T41A_HADIN U4-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U4-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF6 peptide) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TZ721_CYRSC U8-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (U8-TRTX-Hs1a) (HWTX-XVa1) Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TZ722_CYRSC U8-theraphotoxin-Hs1b (U8-TRTX-Hs1b) (HWTX-XVa2) Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TZ72_CHIGU U36-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U36-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

3 entries

Neurotoxin 28 (Litx) family

TX1_LOXIN U1-sicaritoxin-Li1a (U1-SCRTX-Li1a) (LiTx1) Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
TX2_LOXIN U1-sicaritoxin-Li1b (U1-SCRTX-Li1b) (LiTx2) Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
TX4_LOXIN U1-sicaritoxin-Li1c (U1-SCRTX-Li1c) (LiTx4) Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)

18 entries

Neurotoxin 30 (phrixotoxin) family

AF1_GRARO Beta-theraphotoxin-Gr1b (Beta-TRTX-Gr1b) (GsAF ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...
AF2_GRARO Kappa-theraphotoxin-Gr2c (Kappa-TRTX-Gr2c) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...
JZT45_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg2a (Kappa-TRTX-Cg2a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT46_CHIGU Kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg2b (Kappa-TRTX-Cg2b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZTX5_CHIGU Beta/kappa-theraphotoxin-Cg2a ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
MTX2_GRARO Kappa-theraphotoxin-Gr2a (Kappa-TRTX-Gr2a) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...
PM1A_HOMSP Mu-theraphotoxin-Hsp1a (Hsp1a) (Mu-TRTX-Hsp1a) Homoeomma sp. (Peruvian tarantula)
PM2A_PHLSP Mu-theraphotoxin-Phlo2a (Mu-TRTX-Phlo2a) Phlogius sp. (Tarantula spider)
TX1_GRARO Beta-theraphotoxin-Gr1a (Beta-TRTX-Gr1a) (GrTx1) Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...
TX2A_EUCCO Lambda-theraphotoxin-Ec2a (Lambda-TRTX-Ec2a) ... Eucratoscelus constrictus (African red-rump ...
TX2B_EUCCO Lambda-theraphotoxin-Ec2b (Lambda-TRTX-Ec2b) ... Eucratoscelus constrictus (African red-rump ...
TX2C_EUCCO Lambda-theraphotoxin-Ec2c (Lambda-TRTX-Ec2c) ... Eucratoscelus constrictus (African red-rump ...
TX4_SELPU U4-theraphotoxin-Spl1a (U4-TRTX-Spl1a) (Orally ... Selenotypus plumipes (Australian featherleg ...
TXB2A_PTEMU Beta/kappa-theraphotoxin-Pmu2a ... Pterinochilus murinus (Mombasa golden starburst ...
TXP1_PARSR Kappa-theraphotoxin-Ps1a (Kappa-TRTX-Ps1a) ... Paraphysa scrofa (Chilean copper tarantula) ...
TXP2_PARSR Kappa-theraphotoxin-Ps1b (Kappa-TRTX-Ps1b) ... Paraphysa scrofa (Chilean copper tarantula) ...
TXPR2_THRPR Beta/omega-theraphotoxin-Tp2a ... Thrixopelma pruriens (Peruvian green velvet ...
VSTX2_GRARO Kappa-theraphotoxin-Gr2b (Kappa-TRTX-Gr2b) ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...

6 entries

Neurotoxin 31 family

TXC01_LYCSI U12-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXC02_LYCSI U12-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXC03_LYCSI U12-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXC04_LYCSI U12-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXC05_LYCSI U12-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXC06_LYCSI U12-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 32 family

JZT69_CHIGU U33-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U33-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT70_CHIGU U33-theraphotoxin-Cg1c (U33-TRTX-Cg1c) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT71_CHIGU U33-theraphotoxin-Cg1b (U33-TRTX-Cg1b) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT74_CHIGU U34-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U34-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

4 entries

Neurotoxin 33 family

F95_CTEON U20-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U20-CNTX-Co1a) (Venom ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
TXAG4_AGEOR U4-agatoxin-Ao1a (U4-AGTX-Ao1a) (Mu-2Aaga_15) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TXC5_PHONI U23-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U23-CNTX-Pn1a) (Venom ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TXPR1_ALOMR Purotoxin-1 (PT1) (OMICRON-lycotoxin-Am1a) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 35 family

TX10A_CYRSC U12-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (U12-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
TXR1_MACRV U5-hexatoxin-Mr1a (U5-HXTX-Mr1a) (Raventoxin I) ... Macrothele raveni (Funnel-web spider)

4 entries

Neurotoxin 36 family, 01 subfamily

JZ50A_CHIGU U4-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U4-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ50B_CHIGU U4-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U4-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZ50C_CHIGU U4-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U4-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
JZT52_CHIGU U5-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U5-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...

8 entries

Neurotoxin 36 family, 02 subfamily

H10A1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-X (HNTX-X) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H10A2_CYRHA Hainantoxin-X.2 (HNTX-X.2) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H10A3_CYRHA Hainantoxin-X.3 (HNTX-X.3) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H10B1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-X-2 (HNTX-X-2) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
H10C1_CYRHA Hainantoxin-X-3 (HNTX-X-3) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
JZT51_CHIGU U6-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U6-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
TXFK2_PSACA U2-theraphotoxin-Pc1a (U2-TRTX-Pc1a) ... Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad chevron ...
TXH10_CYRSC Omega-theraphotoxin-Hs1a (Omega-TRTX-Hs1a) ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

2 entries

Neurotoxin 37 family

TX30_PHONI U18-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U18-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TXAG9_AGEOR U9-agatoxin-Ao1a (U9-AGTX-Ao1a) (AgorTX_B7a) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)

2 entries

Neurotoxin 39 family

TX32_LOXIN U2-sicaritoxin-Li1b (U2-SCRTX-Li1b) Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
TX3_LOXIN U2-sicaritoxin-Li1a (U2-SCRTX-Li1a) (LiTx3) ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)

8 entries

Neurotoxin omega-lctx family

TLCOA_ALOMR Omega-lycotoxin-Am1a (Omega-LCTX-Am1a) (Lsp-1) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...
TLCOB_ALOMR Omega-lycotoxin-Am1b (Omega-LCTX-Am1b) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...
TLCOC_ALOMR Omega-lycotoxin-Am1c (Omega-LCTX-Am1c) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...
TLCOD_ALOMR Omega-lycotoxin-Am1d (Omega-LCTX-Am1d) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...
TLCOE_ALOMR Omega-lycotoxin-Am1e (Omega-LCTX-Am1e) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...
TLCOE_LYCPR Omega-lycotoxin-Lp1a (Omega-LCTX-Lp1a) ... Lycosa praegrandis (Wolf spider)
TLCOF_ALOMR Omega-lycotoxin-Am1f (Omega-LCTX-Am1f) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...
TLCOG_ALOMR Omega-lycotoxin-Am1g (Omega-LCTX-Am1g) ... Alopecosa marikovskyi (Wolf spider) (Lycosa ...

47 entries

Not in a family

GEND1_ACAGO U1-theraphotoxin-Agm2a (U1-TRTX-Agm2a) ... Acanthoscurria gomesiana (Tarantula spider) ...
GOML_HADIN Gomesin-like peptide (SF5 peptide) ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
HN728_CYRHA Hainantoxin F7-28.42 (Peptide F7-28.42) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
HN835_CYRHA Hainantoxin F8-35.23 (Peptide F8-35.23) Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
IGFBP_CUPSA Insulin-like growth factor-binding ... Cupiennius salei (American wandering spider)
ISOLC_AGEAP Venom peptide isomerase light chain Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
JZT73_CHIGU U35-theraphotoxin-Cg1a (U35-TRTX-Cg1a) ... Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Chinese earth tiger ...
KNO64_HEXDO U1-sicaritoxin-Sdo1a (U1-SCRTX-Sdo1a) (S64) ... Hexophthalma dolichocephala (Afrotropical ...
KNO67_HEXDO U2-sicaritoxin-Sdo1a (U2-SCRTX-Sdo1a) (S67) ... Hexophthalma dolichocephala (Afrotropical ...
LYC34_LYCSI U1-lycotoxin-Ls1a (U1-LCTX-Ls1a) (Peptide 2034) Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
PN16_PHONI U24-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U24-CNTX-Pn1a) (Venom ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
T51A_HADIN U5-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U5-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF7 peptide) Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TA1A_HADIN U10-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U10-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF15 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TB1A_HADIN U11-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U11-hxtx-Hi1a) (SF16 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TBO1_TIBOB Omega-phylotoxin-To1a (Omega-PHTX-To1a) ... Tibellus oblongus (Oblong running crab spider)
TC1A_HADIN U12-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U12-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF17 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TE1A_HADIN U14-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U14-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF19 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TG1A_HADIN U16-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U16-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF21 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TH1A_HADIN U17-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U17-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF22 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TJ1A_HADIN U19-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U19-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF24 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TK1A_HADIN U20-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U20-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF25 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TLLP_PHONI Techylectin-like protein Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TOP3A_OXYTA Oxyopinin-3a (Oxt-3a) Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TOP3B_OXYTA Oxyopinin-3b (Oxt-3b) Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TOP3C_OXYTA Oxyopinin-3c (Oxt-3c) Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TOP4A_OXYTA Oxyopinin-4a (Oxt-4a) Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TX13_KUKHI Omega-filistatoxin-Kh1a (Omega-FLTX-Kh1a) (Toxin ... Kukulcania hibernalis (Southern house spider) ...
TX1A_TRICU Insect toxin mu-NPTX-Nc1a ... Trichonephila clavata (Joro spider) (Nephila ...
TX325_SEGFL Omega-segestritoxin-Sf1a (Omega-SGTX-Sf1a) ... Segestria florentina (Tube-web spider) ...
TX3_PHONI U7-ctenitoxin-Pn1b (U7-CNTX-Pn1b) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TXAA2_ARAVE U2-aranetoxin-Av1a (U2-AATX-Av1a) (Toxin 2) ... Araneus ventricosus (Orbweaver spider) (Epeira ...
TXAG6_AGEOR U6-agatoxin-Ao1a (U6-AGTX-Ao1a) (AgorTX_A4) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TXM13_MACGS U14-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U14-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXMG9_MACGS U10-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U10-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXN1A_POERG NU-theraphotoxin-Preg1a (N-TRTX-Preg1a) ... Poecilotheria regalis (Indian ornamental tree ...
TXP10_PLETR U3-plectoxin-Pt1a (U3-PLTX-Pt1a) (Plectoxin X) ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TXP9_PLETR U2-plectoxin-Pt1a (U2-PLTX-Pt1a) (Plectoxin IX) ... Plectreurys tristis (Spider) (Plectreurys ...
TXV1_PHONI U28-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U28-CNTX-Pn1a) (Spasmogenic ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TXV2_PHONI U27-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U27-CNTX-Pn1a) (Toxin PnV2) Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
U31A_SCYTH U3-scytotoxin-Sth1a (U3-SYTX-Sth1a) (U3-Sth1a) Scytodes thoracica (Spitting spider) (Aranea ...
U31H_SCYTH U3-scytotoxin-Sth1h (U3-SYTX-Sth1h) (U3-Sth1h) Scytodes thoracica (Spitting spider) (Aranea ...
U51A_SCYTH U5-scytotoxin-Sth1a (U5-SYTX-Sth1a) (U5-Sth1a) Scytodes thoracica (Spitting spider) (Aranea ...
VMPA2_LOXIN Astacin-like metalloprotease toxin 2 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
VMPA3_LOXIN Astacin-like metalloprotease toxin 3 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)
VMPA4_LOXLA Astacin-like metalloprotease toxin 4 (EC ... Loxosceles laeta (South American recluse spider) ...
VMPA5_LOXGA Astacin-like metalloprotease toxin 5 (EC ... Loxosceles gaucho (Spider)
VMPA_LOXIN Astacin-like metalloprotease toxin 1 (EC ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)

1 entry

Peptidase M13 family

NEP_TRILK Neprilysin-1 (EC 3.4.24.-) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

2 entries

Peptidase S1 family

Select_allDeselect_all "Peptidase S1 family" VenomZone page
ISOHC_AGEAP Venom peptide isomerase heavy chain (EC 5.-.-.-) Agelenopsis aperta (North American funnel-web ...
PN47_PHONI U21-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U21-CNTX-Pn1a) (EC ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

1 entry

Phrixotoxin family

TX1A_GRAIH Beta/kappa-theraphotoxin-Gi1a ... Grammostola iheringi (Argentinean black ...

1 entry

Protease inhibitor I7 (squash-type serine protease inhibitor) family

TX22_PHONI U14-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U14-CNTX-Pn1a) (Neurotoxin ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

2 entries

Psalmotoxin-1 family

TX3A_HETMC Pi-theraphotoxin-Hm3a (Pi-TRTX-Hm3a) Heteroscodra maculata (Togo starburst tarantula) ...
TXP1_PSACA Psalmotoxin-1 (PcTx1) (Pi-theraphotoxin-Pc1a) ... Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad chevron ...

4 entries

Psalmotoxin-1 family, Double-knot toxin subfamily

TP1A_HADIN Pi-hexatoxin-Hi1a (Pi-HXTX-Hi1a) (Double-knot ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TP1B_HADIN Pi-hexatoxin-Hi1b (Pi-HXTX-Hi1b) (Double-knot ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TP1C_HADIN Pi-hexatoxin-Hi1c (Pi-HXTX-Hi1c) (Double-knot ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
TP1D_HADIN Pi-hexatoxin-Hi1d (Pi-HXTX-Hi1d) (Double-knot ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...

2 entries

RTX family

TXMG6_MACGS U7-hexatoxin-Mg1a (U7-HXTX-Mg1a) (Neurotoxin ... Macrothele gigas (Japanese funnel web spider)
TXR7_MACRV RTX-VII (Alpha-hexatoxin-MrVII) Macrothele raveni (Funnel-web spider)

1 entry

Spider toxin CSTX family

TX4A_CHEPU Toxin CpTx-4a Cheiracanthium punctorium (Yellow sac spider) ...

2 entries

Spider toxin CSTX family, Double-CSTX subfamily

TX2A_CHEPU DELTA-miturgitoxin-Cp2a (DELTA-MGTX-Cp2a) (Toxin ... Cheiracanthium punctorium (Yellow sac spider) ...
TX3A_CHEPU DELTA-miturgitoxin-Cp3a (DELTA-MGTX-Cp3a) (Toxin ... Cheiracanthium punctorium (Yellow sac spider) ...

4 entries

Spiderine family, Cationic/spiderine subfamily

SPN1A_OXYTA Spiderine-1a (OtTx1a) Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
SPN1B_OXYTA Spiderine-1b (M-oxotoxin-Ot3b) (M-OXTX-Ot3b) ... Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
SPN2A_OXYTA Spiderine-2a (OtTx2a) Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
SPN2B_OXYTA Spiderine-2b (M-oxotoxin-Ot3k) (M-OXTX-Ot3k) ... Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...

3 entries

Spiderine family, Spiderine subfamily

TOX1_OXYLI Omega-oxotoxin-Ol1a (Omega-OXTX-Ol1a) ... Oxyopes lineatus (Lynx spider)
TOX1_OXYTA Omega-oxotoxin-Ot1a (Omega-OXTX-Ot1a) ... Oxyopes takobius (Lynx spider) (Oxyopes ...
TOX2_OXYLI Omega-oxotoxin-Ol1b (Omega-OXTX-Ol1b) ... Oxyopes lineatus (Lynx spider)

15 entries

Tachykinin family

TLP10_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-X (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP11_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-XI (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP12_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-XII (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP13_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-XIII (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP14_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-XIV (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP15_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-XV (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP1_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-I (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP2_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-II (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP3_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-III (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP4_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-IV (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP5_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-V (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP6_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-VI (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP7_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-VII (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP8_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-VIII (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TLP9_PHONI Tachykinin-like peptide-IX (P.nigriventer ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...

2 entries

TCTP family

Select_allDeselect_all "TCTP family" VenomZone page
TCTP_GRARO Translationally-controlled tumor protein homolog ... Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) ...
TCTP_LOXIN Translationally-controlled tumor protein homolog ... Loxosceles intermedia (Brown spider)

1 entry

Type-B carboxylesterase/lipase family

ACES_TRILK Acetylcholinesterase-1 (AChE) (EC Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

4 entries

U-CNTX family

F266_CTEON U22-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U22-CNTX-Co1a) (Venom ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
PE1_TRILK Peptide 1 (Prokineticin-1) Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)
TX16_PHONI U19-ctenitoxin-Pn1a (U19-CNTX-Pn1a) (Non-toxic ... Phoneutria nigriventer (Brazilian armed spider) ...
TX16_PHORI U9-ctenitoxin-Pr1a (U9-CNTX-Pr1a) (Non-toxic ... Phoneutria reidyi (Brazilian Amazonian armed ...

2 entries

U18-CNTX family

F134_CTEON U18-ctenitoxin-Co1a (U18-CNTX-Co1a) (Venom ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...
M148_CTEON U18-ctenitoxin-Co1b (U18-CNTX-Co1b) (Venom ... Ctenus ornatus (Brazilian spider) (Oligoctenus ...

1 entry

Venom Kunitz-type family

"Venom Kunitz-type family" VenomZone page
VKT1_TRILK Kunitz-type U19-barytoxin-Tl1a (U19-BATX-Tl1a) ... Trittame loki (Brush-footed trapdoor spider)

9 entries

Venom Kunitz-type family, 01 (intermediate) subfamily

Select_allDeselect_all "Venom Kunitz-type family" VenomZone page
VKT40_CYRSC Kunitz-type kappaPI-theraphotoxin-Hs1d ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTJ1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1j ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTL1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1l ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTM1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1m ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTN1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1n ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTO1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1o ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTP1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1p ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTQ1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1q ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTR1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1r ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

8 entries

Venom Kunitz-type family, 02 (native) subfamily

Select_allDeselect_all "Venom Kunitz-type family" VenomZone page
TD1A_HADIN U13-hexatoxin-Hi1a (U13-HXTX-Hi1a) (SF18 ... Hadronyche infensa (Fraser island funnel-web ...
VKT11_CYRSC Kunitz-type kappaPI-theraphotoxin-Hs1b ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT17_CYRHA Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT1A_CYRSC Kunitz-type kappaPI-theraphotoxin-Hs1a ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT1_ARAVE Kunitz-type U1-aranetoxin-Av1a (U1-AATX-Av1a) ... Araneus ventricosus (Orbweaver spider) (Epeira ...
VKT25_CYRHA Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT27_CYRSC Kunitz-type kappaPI-theraphotoxin-Hs1c ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT4_CYRSC Kunitz-type kappaPI-theraphotoxin-Hs1e ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...

30 entries

Venom Kunitz-type family, 03 (sub-Kunitz) subfamily

Select_allDeselect_all "Venom Kunitz-type family" VenomZone page
VKT13_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1d ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT22_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1a ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT24_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1e ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT2_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1b ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT2_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1a ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT31_CYRHA U15-Kunitz-type theraphotoxin-Hhn1b ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT33_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1a ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT34_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT35_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT39_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1g ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT45_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1k ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT45_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1f ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT4_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1d ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT52_CYRHA Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor HNTX-852 Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT53_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT68_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1e ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT6_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1a ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT74_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT76_CYRHA Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKT7_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1h ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTA1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1a ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTC1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1c ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTE1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1e ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTF1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1f ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTG1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1g ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTG6_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1b ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTG9_CYRSC Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hs1c ... Cyriopagopus schmidti (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTH1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1h ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTI1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1i ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...
VKTK1_CYRHA Kunitz-type U15-theraphotoxin-Hhn1k ... Cyriopagopus hainanus (Chinese bird spider) ...

1 entry

Venom metalloproteinase (M12B) family

"Venom metalloproteinase (M12B) family" VenomZone page
VMPAR_HIPPR Zinc metalloproteinase partitagin (EC 3.4.24.-) Hippasa partita (Funnel-web spider) (Hippasa ...

18 entries

Venom protein 11 family, 01 (wap-1) subfamily

TXE01_LYCSI U14-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXE02_LYCSI U14-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXE03_LYCSI U14-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXE04_LYCSI U14-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXE05_LYCSI U14-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXE06_LYCSI U14-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF07_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF08_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF09_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF10_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF11_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF12_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF13_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF14_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1e (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF15_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1f (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF16_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF17_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1g (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXF18_LYCSI U15-lycotoxin-Ls1h (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...

5 entries

Venom protein 11 family, 02 (wap-2) subfamily

TXAG7_AGEOR U7-agatoxin-Ao1a (U7-AGTX-Ao1a) (AgorTX_A5) Agelena orientalis (Funnel-web spider)
TXK01_LYCSI U20-lycotoxin-Ls1a (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXK02_LYCSI U20-lycotoxin-Ls1b (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXK03_LYCSI U20-lycotoxin-Ls1c (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...
TXK04_LYCSI U20-lycotoxin-Ls1d (Toxin-like structure ... Lycosa singoriensis (Wolf spider) (Aranea ...